Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 5)

and the conditions are satisfied for those values of (d, h, n) against which I have set 
the capacity 36*f*. I do not explain the remaining figures of the column of capacities, 
but remark only that 0 means that the curve is non-existent, and that 35 refers to 
the curve (9, 22, 5) which is alluded to above as not specified by Halphen. 
It is important to remark that if the above-mentioned condition n (n + 5) = or 
>h + 0+ 1, or restoring it to the original form (n + 1) (n + 4) — h — 6 = 3 at least, is not 
satisfied, then it by no means follows, and it is not in general the case, that the curve 
is non-existent : I have said only that the cone Q = 0 has in general a capacity 
= ^ (n + l)(n + 4) — h— 6, but the configuration of the h + 6 lines may be such as not 
to impose on the cone Q — 0 which passes through them so many as h + 6 conditions, 
and the capacity of the cone may thus be greater than \{n 4-1) (w+ 4) — h— 6, and 
may thus be =3 at least ; moreover supposing that in such a case the curve exists, 
the capacity of the cone U = 0 instead of being = ^ d (d + 3) — h, may very well have, 
and presumably has, a greater value, and the reasoning by which the capacity of the 
curve was found to be = 4>d + ^(d — 2 — n) (d — 3 — n) ceases to be applicable. The 
theory, as depending upon special configurations of the h lines and the 6 lines, is 
a complicated and difficult one, and I do not attempt to enter upon it. 
In conclusion I wish to refer to an important theorem given by Valentiner and 
also by Halphen and Nöther. Considering in connexion with the curve of the order d, 
a surface of the order m, then since the capacity hereof (or number of constants 
contained in its equation) is = £(m + 1)(ra + 2)(m + 3) — 1 or \m (m 2 + 6m+ 11), it is 
obvious that if this be greater than md, the surface can be made to pass through 
more than md points of the curve, and thus that the curve will lie upon a surface 
of the order m. But the condition which has really to be satisfied in order that 
the curve may lie upon a surface of the order m is a less stringent one : if p be 
the deficiency of the curve, = ^ (d — l)(d — 2) — h, if as before the curve is without 
actual singularities, and h be the number of its apparent double points, then the 
condition is ^m(m 2 + 6m+ll) greater than md—p, viz. the surface of the order m 
being made to pass through md+l—p points assumed at pleasure on the curve will 
ipso facto pass through p determinate points of the curve, that is in all through md + 1 
points of the curve, or it will contain the curve. The theorem is true subject only 
to the limitation m = or > d — 2. The most simple form of statement is perhaps that 
given by Valentiner, p. 194 (changing only his letters), viz. if m be = or > d — 2, the 
intersections of a surface of the order m with a curve of the order d with h apparent 
double points are determined by means of 
dm — I (d — 1) (d - 2) + h (= dm—p) 
of these intersections. 
312. The generalisation which is here given of Euler’s theorem S + F = E + 2, is 
a first step towards the theory developed in Listing’s Memoir “ Census räumlicher 
Complexe oder Verallgemeinerung des Euler’schen Satzes von den Polyedern.” Göttingen 
Abh. t. x. (1862). 
320. The transcendent i gd (— iu), with a pure imaginary argument is the function 
log tan (^7T + \u) (hyperbolic logarithm) tabulated by Legendre, Exer. de Calcul Intégral, 
C. V. 78 

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