[From the Philosophical Magazine, vol. xxi. (1861), pp. 210—214]
Functions of the same set of quantities which are, by any substitution whatever,
simultaneously altered or simultaneously unaltered, may be called homotypical. Thus all
symmetric functions of the same set of quantities are homotypical: (x + y — z — icf and
xy + zw are homotypical, &c.
It is one of the most beautiful of Lagrange’s discoveries in the theory of equations,
that, given the value of any function of the roots, the value of any homotypical
function may be rationally determined 1 ; in other words, that any homotypical function
whatever is a rational function of the coefficients of the equation and of the given
function of the roots.
The researches of Mr Jerrard are contained in his work, An Essay on the Reso
lution of Equations, London, Taylor and Francis, 1859. The solution of an equation
of the fifth order is made to depend on an equation of the sixth order in W; and
he conceives that he has shown that one of the roots of this equation is a rational
function of another root : “ The equation for W will therefore belong to a class of
equations of the sixth degree, the resolution of which can, as Abel has shown, be
effected by means of equations of the second and third degrees; whence I infer the
possibility of solving any proposed equation of the fifth degree by a finite combination
of radicals and rational functions.”
1 The a priori demonstration shows the cases of failure. Suppose that the roots of a biquadratic equation
are 1, 3, 5, 9; then, given a+ 6 =8, we know that either a=3, 6=5, or else a = 5, 6=3, and in either case
ab = 15; hence in the present case (which represents the general case), a + 6 being known, the homotypical
function ab is rationally determined. But if the roots are 1, 3, 5, 7 (where 1 + 7 = 3+ 5), then, given a + 6 = 8,
this is satisfied by (a, 6 = 3, 5) or by (a, 6 = 1, 7), and the conclusion is a6 = 15 or 7; so that here ab is deter
mined, not as before, rationally, but by a quadratic equation.