Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 5)

does not cut or 
edge itself. 
If we consider the surface of a plane as bounded by a mere contour at infinity, 
then for the infinite plane, /3=0, or we have P + S=E + 1+ B: in the case where 
? any partitioned 
S' the number of 
3d close, we have 
the infinite plane is partitioned by a mere contour, P = 2, S = 0, E = 0, B= 1 (for the 
exterior part is bounded by the contour at infinity, and the partitioning contour, that 
is, for it, B — 1), and the equation is thus satisfied. And so for a contour having upon 
it n summits, P = 2, S = n, E = n, B—l, and the equation is still satisfied: this is the 
case of the plane partitioned into two parts by means of a single polygon. 
liner the close is 
inner, of summits 
b to itself or to 
S by unity: if 
unity; for if the 
! addition of the 
or summits, the 
of the contour, 
the addition of 
lity. Hence the 
aity E or else B, 
of a mere con- 
b is easy to see 
t contain within 
,ves the equation 
>y unity; if the 
Ltour to another 
P by unity; if, 
it on a different 
Hi ere are a few 
ied in the two 
mmits, these are 
rs, and the like 
so if there be 
Irawn connecting 
iwn through two 
thus to increase 
by unity; that 
+ /3 = P+1+P, 
ever manner the 
The case of a spherical surface is very interesting: the entire surface of the sphere 
must be considered as a close bounded by 0 contour, or we have ¡3 = — 1, and the 
equation thus becomes P + S = E+ '2+B. Thus, if the sphere be divided into two 
parts by a mere contour, P = 2, $ = 0, E= 0, B = 0, and the equation is satisfied. And 
in general, when B= 0, then P + S — E + 2 ; or writing F for P, then F + S = E + 2, 
which is Euler’s equation for a polyhedron. 
2, Stone Buildings, W.G., March 8, 1861. 
a mere contour, 
is the ordinary 
C. V. 9

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