does not cut or
edge itself.
If we consider the surface of a plane as bounded by a mere contour at infinity,
then for the infinite plane, /3=0, or we have P + S=E + 1+ B: in the case where
? any partitioned
S' the number of
3d close, we have
the infinite plane is partitioned by a mere contour, P = 2, S = 0, E = 0, B= 1 (for the
exterior part is bounded by the contour at infinity, and the partitioning contour, that
is, for it, B — 1), and the equation is thus satisfied. And so for a contour having upon
it n summits, P = 2, S = n, E = n, B—l, and the equation is still satisfied: this is the
case of the plane partitioned into two parts by means of a single polygon.
liner the close is
inner, of summits
b to itself or to
S by unity: if
unity; for if the
! addition of the
or summits, the
of the contour,
the addition of
lity. Hence the
aity E or else B,
of a mere con-
b is easy to see
t contain within
,ves the equation
>y unity; if the
Ltour to another
P by unity; if,
it on a different
Hi ere are a few
ied in the two
mmits, these are
rs, and the like
so if there be
Irawn connecting
iwn through two
thus to increase
by unity; that
+ /3 = P+1+P,
ever manner the
The case of a spherical surface is very interesting: the entire surface of the sphere
must be considered as a close bounded by 0 contour, or we have ¡3 = — 1, and the
equation thus becomes P + S = E+ '2+B. Thus, if the sphere be divided into two
parts by a mere contour, P = 2, $ = 0, E= 0, B = 0, and the equation is satisfied. And
in general, when B= 0, then P + S — E + 2 ; or writing F for P, then F + S = E + 2,
which is Euler’s equation for a polyhedron.
2, Stone Buildings, W.G., March 8, 1861.
a mere contour,
is the ordinary
C. V. 9