on pascal’s theorem.
Considei now the six planes a, b, c, f g, li, and taking in the first instance an
arbitrary point of projection, and a plane of projection which is also arbitrary—the
line of intersection ab of the planes a and b will be projected into a line ab, and
the point of intersection of the planes a, b, c into a point abc; and so in other cases.
We have thus a plane figure, consisting of the fifteen lines ab, ac, ...gh, and of the
twenty points abc, abf, ...fgli\ and which is such, that on each of the lines there lie
four of the points, and through each of the points there pass three of the lines, viz.
the points abc, abf abg, abh lie on the line ab; and the lines be, ca, ab meet in the
point abc, and so in other cases. If now the point of projection instead of being
arbitrary, be one of the above-mentioned four points 0, then the projections of the
lines af ’ bg, ch meet in a point, and the like for each of the six triads of lines;
that is in the plane figure we have six points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, each of them the
intersection of three lines as shown in the diagram,
1 = af. bg . ch,
2 = ag .bh. cf
3 = ah .bf . eg,
4 = af .bh. eg,
5 = ag .bf. ch,
6 = ah .bg . cf,
and these six points lie in a conic. It is clear that the lines af, ag, ah; bf, bg, bh;
cf, eg, ch are the lines 14, 25, 36; 35, 16, 24; 26, 34, 15 respectively.
Conversely, starting from the points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 on a conic, and denoting the
lines 14, 25, 36; 35, 16, 24 ; 26, 34, 15 (being, it may be noticed, the sides and
diagonals of the hexagon 162435) in the manner just referred to, then it is possible
to complete the figure of the fifteen lines ab, ac,...gh and of the twenty points
abc, abf ...fgh, such that each line contains upon it four points, and that through each
point there pass three lines, in the manner already mentioned.
Of the fifteen lines, nine, viz. the lines af, ag, ah; bf, bg, bh ; cf, eg, ch are, as has
been seen, lines through two of the six points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; the remaining lines are
be, ca, ab; gh, hf, fg. These are Pascalian lines,
be of the hexagon 162435,
ca „ 152634,
ab „ 142536,
gh „ 152436,
hf „ 142635,
bg „ 162534,