Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 6)

Article Nos. 308 to 317.—Hermite’s Canonical form of the quintic. 
308. It was remarked that M. Hermite’s investigations are conducted by means 
of a canonical form, viz. if A(=J, =(7) be the quartinvariant of the given quintic 
(a, h, c, d, e, f\x, y) 5 , then he in fact finds (X, Y) linear functions of (x, y) such that 
we have 
(a, h, c, d, e, f\x, yf = {X, y, fk, fk, y\ X'$X, Yf 
(viz. in the transformed form the two mean coefficients are equal ; this is a convenient 
assumption made in order to render the transformation completely definite, rather than 
an absolutely necessary one) ; and where moreover the quadricovariant B of the trans 
formed form is 
= *Jaxy, 
or, what is the same thing, the coefficients (X, y, fk, fk, y, X') of the transformed form 
are connected by the relations 
Xy — 4>y fk + 3k = 0, 'j 
X'y — 4y fk + 3k = 0, : 
XX' — 3yy + 2k = f A, y 
the advantage is a great simplicity in the forms of the several covariants, which 
simplicity arises in a great measure from the existence of the very simple covariant 
d cl 
operator y . (viz. operating therewith on any covariant we obtain again a covariant). 
Cbj\- CL 1 
309. Reversing the order of the several steps, the theory of M. Hermite’s trans 
formation may be established as follows: 
Starting from the quintic 
(a, h, c, d, e, f\x, y)\ 
and considering the quadricovariant thereof 
(a, /3, f§x, y) 2 B 
(fx, /3, 7) are of the degree 2), and also the linear covariant 
Px + Qy J 
((P, Q) are of the degree 5), we have 
(3--4>(xy = A, G 
and moreover 
(a, /3. 7-Py = -C, 
viz. the expression on the left hand, which is of the degree 12, and which is obviously 
an invariant, is = — C, where C is (ut supra) 
C = 9L + JK = -9U+GM. 
c. VI. 

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