^ * act ^ means of these comparatively simple canonical expressions that
M. Heimite was enabled to eftect the calculation of the coefficient ?(.
a real equation.
318. An equation (a, b, c,...'§x, y) n = 0 is real if the ratios a : b : c, &c. of the
coefficients are all real. In speaking of a given real equation there is no loss of
generality in assuming that the coefficients (a, b, c,...) are all real; but if an equation
presents itself in the form (a, b, c,...Qx, y) n = 0 with imaginary coefficients, it is to be
borne in mind that the equation may still be real; viz. the coefficients may contain
an imaginary common factor in such wise that throwing this out we obtain an
equation with real coefficients.
In what follows I use the term transformation to signify a linear transformation,
and speak of equations connected by a linear transformation as derivable from each
other. An imaginary transformation will in general convert a real into an imaginary
equation ; and if the proposition were true universally,—viz. if it were true that the
transformed equation was always imaginary—it would follow that a real equation derivable
from a given real equation could then be derivable from it only by a real transfor
mation, and that the two equations would have the same character. But any two
equations having the same absolute invariants are derivable from each other, the two
real equations would therefore be derivable from each other by a real transformation,
and would thus have the same character; that is, all the equations (if any) belonging
to a given system of values of the absolute invariants would have a determinate
character, and the absolute invariants would form a system of auxiliars.
But it is not true that the imaginary transformation leads always to an imaginary
equation; to take the simplest case of exception, if the given real equation contains
only even powers or only odd powers of x, then the imaginary transformation x : y
into ix : y gives a real equation. And we are thus led to inquire in what cases an
imaginary transformation gives a real equation.
319. I consider the imaginary transformation x : y into
(a 4- bi) x + (c + di) y : (e +fi) x + (g + hi) y,
or, what is the same thing, I write
x = (a + bi) X + (c + di) Y,
y = (e + fi) A +{g + bi) Y,
and I seek to find P, Q real quantities such that Px+Qy may be transformed into
a linear function RX + SY, wherein the ratio R : S is real, or, what is the same
thing, such that RX + SY may be the product of an imaginary constant into a real
linear function of (X, Y). This will be the case if
Px +Qy = ( 1 + 0i) {P (aX + cY) + Q (eX +gY)},