Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 6)

assume the equation of the conic to be (d, 3b, 0, 0, \a, §c$«, y, z) 2 = 0. The equation 
of the contact-locus then is 
a 2 d 2 + 4ac 3 + 4 b s cl — Qabcd — 36 2 c 2 = 0, 
viz. this is a developable surface, or torse, of the order 4, and we at once infer 
(2/cl, 1 :) = 4, agreeing with (2/cl, 1 :)=2m + n—5. 
I will show also that we have 
(2/cl, 1 • /) = 6, agreeing with (2/cl, 1 • /) = 2m + 2n — 6, 
(2/cl, 1 //) = 5, „ „ (2/cl, 1 //) = m + 2n - 4. 
The condition that the conic may touch an arbitrary line ax + /3y + yz = 0, is in fact 
(0, -\6r, f (4bd - 3c 2 ), fac, — §a&, 0$a, /3, y) 2 = 0, 
which, considering therein (a, 6, c, cZ) as coordinates, is the equation of a quadric surface 
passing through the conic a = 0, 4bd — 3c 2 = 0; the quartic torse also passes through 
this conic; hence the quadric surface and the torse intersect in this conic, which is 
of the order 2, and in a residual curve of the order 6; and the number of the 
conics (2/cl, 1 • /) is equal to the order of this residual curve, that is, it is = 6. 
If the conic touch a second arbitrary line a'x + fi'y + yz = 0, then we have in like 
manner the quadric surface 
(0, -{a 2 , f (4<bd — 3c 2 ), fac, -fab, 0$a', /3', 7') 2 = 0; 
that is, we have the quartic torse and two quadric surfaces, each passing through the 
conic a = 0, 4bd — 3c 2 = 0, and it is to be shown that the number of intersections not 
on this conic is = 5. The two quadric surfaces intersect in the conic and in a second 
conic; this second conic meets the torse in 8 points, but 2 of these coincide with the 
point a = 0, 6=0, c = 0, which is one of the intersections of the two conics (the point 
a = 0, b = 0, c = 0 is in fact a point on the cuspidal edge of the torse, and, the conic 
passing through it, reckons for 2 intersections), and 1 of the 8 points coincides with 
the other of the intersections of the two conics; there remain therefore 8 — 2 — 1, =5 
intersections, or we have (2/cl, 1 //) = 5. 
Annex No. 5 (referred to, Nos. 22 and 71). On the Conics which have contact of the third 
order with a given cuspidal cubic, and two contacts (double contact) with a given conic. 
Let the equation of the cuspidal cubic be x 2 z — y 3 = 0 (x = 0 tangent at cusp, 
z = 0 tangent at inflexion, y = 0 line joining cusp and inflexion; equation satisfied by 
x : y : z = 1 : 0 : 0 3 ); 
and let the equation of the given conic be 
U = (a, b, c, /, g, h^x, y, z) 3 = 0 ;

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