[From the Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, vol. i. (1865—1866), No. vu.
pp. 1—7. Read April 16, 1866.]
1. In a unicursal curve the coordinates (x, y, z) of any point of the curve are
proportional to rational and integral functions of a variable parameter 6. Hence, if
two points of the curve correspond in suchwise that to a given position of the first
point there correspond oi positions of the second point, and to a given position of
the second point a positions of the first point, the number of points which correspond
each to itself is =a + a'. For let the two points be determined by their parameters
0, 6' respectively—then to a given value of 6 there correspond a' values of O', and
to a given value of 0' there correspond a values of 0 ; hence the relation between
(0, 0') is of the form (0, l) a (0', l) a ' = 0; and writing therein 0' = 0, then for the points
which correspond each to itself, we have an equation (0, l) a+a '= 0 of the order a + a';
that is, the number of these points is = a + a'.
2. Hence for a unicursal curve we have a theorem similar to that of M. Chasles’
for a line, viz., the theorem may be thus stated :
If two points of a unicursal curve have an (a, a') correspondence, the number of
united points is = a + a'.
3. But a unicursal curve is nothing else than a curve with a deficiency I) = 0,
and we thence infer
Theorem. If two points of a curve with deficiency D have an (a, a') corre
spondence, the number of united points is = a + a + 2kD ; in which theorem 2k is a
coefficient to be determined.
4. Suppose that the corresponding points are P, P' and imagine that when P
is given, the corresponding points P' are the intersections of the given curve by a
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