Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 6)

And the remaining seven Tables might of course be deduced from these by writing 
(f> e > G > b, a) instead of (a, 6, c, d, e, f), and making the corresponding alterations 
in the top line of each Table. 
18. The equations 31 = 0, 33 = 0,...., 911 = 0 consequently establish between the 
fifteen functions 1234, 1235, ...3456 a system of fourteen equations, viz. the first and 
last three of these are 
1234 = 0, 
1235 = 0, 
+ 11559295.1236 = 0, 
+ 11559295.1456 
- 160758675.2356 = 0, 
2456 = 0, 
3456 = 0. 
To complete the proof that in virtue of the equations 2f = 0, 33 = 0,.., 9DÎ = 0 all 
the fifteen functions 1234, 1235, ...3456 vanish, it is necessary to make use of the 
identical relations subsisting between these quantities 1234, &c. ; thus we have 
a . 1345 + 46.1245 + 6c . 1235 + U. 1234 = 0, 
6 .1345 + 4c. 1245 + U. 1235 + 4e . 1234 = 0, 
which, in virtue of the above equations 1234 = 0 and 1235 = 0, become 
a . 1345 + 46.1245 = 0, 
6 . 1345 +4c. 1245 = 0, 
giving (unless indeed ac — 6 2 = 0) 1245 = 0, 1345 = 0; the equation 1245 = 0 then 
reduces the third of the above equations to 1236 = 0, and so on until it is shown 
that the fifteen quantities all vanish.

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