Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 6)

three generating lines, but through each point of either of the plane quartics only a 
single generating line; that is, that the line is a triple directrix line, but each of 
the plane quartics a simple directrix curve. 
58. We may instead of the section by any plane, consider the section by a plane 
through a generating line, or by a plane through two of the three generating lines 
which meet at any point of the directrix line; if (to consider only the most simple 
case) each of the planes be thus a plane through two generating lines, the section 
by either of these planes is made up of the two generating lines, and of a conic 
passing through the directrix line; the directrices are thus the line and two conics 
each of them meeting the line; we have therefore in the foregoing formula 
m =1, n — 2, p = 2, « = 0, /3 = 1, 7 = 1, 
and the order of the scroll is 8 — 2 — 2, =4 as before. 
Quartic Scroll, Tenth Species, (3 1 2 ), with a directrix skew cubic met twice by each 
generating line( l ). 
59. Consider a line, the intersection of two planes; and let the equation of each 
plane contain in the order 2 a variable parameter 0; the equations of the two planes 
may be taken to be 
(p, q, r\6, 1) 2 = 0, (p\ q', r'\6, 1) 2 = 0, 
where (p, q, r, p', q, r) are linear functions of the coordinates (x, y, z, w); hence 
•eliminating 0, we have as the equation of the scroll generated by the line in question, 
□ = 0, where □ is the resultant of the two quadric functions. The equation may be 
4 ( pq' — p'q) (rq — r'q) — (pr' — p'rY = 0 ; 
and the scroll has thus as a nodal (double) line the skew cubic determined by the 
q, r 
t / 
q, r 
It is easy to see (and indeed it will be shown presently) that this curve is met twice 
by each generating line of the scroll, and that the scroll is consequently a quartic 
scroll as described above. 
1 I have worded this heading in accordance with that of the eighth species, Second Memoir, No. 47, but 
the two headings might be expressed more completely thus : 
Eighth Species, /S(l, 3 2 2 ), with a directrix line and a double directrix skew cubic met twice by each 
generating line; 
Tenth Species, S (3 2 2 ), icith a double directrix skew cubic met twice by each generating line; 
viz. the subscript 2 would indicate that the skew cubic is a nodal (double) line on the scroll, the exponent 
2 indicating that it is met twice by each generating line.

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