Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 6)

it appears that there are also the three cuspidal conics y 3 — 2x 3 = 0, a? 2 — zw = 0. Reducing 
by means of these two equations, the equation of the second polar is at first obtained 
in the form 
(4, 6x, &x 2 + zw\Sy 2 Ay — §x 2 Ax, 2xAx — zAco — wAz) 2 = 0 ; 
but further reducing by the same equations and writing for this purpose y = tox (eo 3 = 2), 
the equation becomes 
(4, 6x, 9x 2 ^x 2 (3a> 2 Ay — 9 Ax), lx Ax — zAw — wAz 2 ) 2 — 0, 
that is 
x 2 [2x (Sco 2 Ay — 6A#) + 3 (2xAx — zAw — wA^)] 2 = 0, 
and we have thus the off-points ac 2 = 0, y 3 — 2x 3 = 0, x 2 — zw = 0, in fact the before- 
mentioned two points each 6 times; and the complete value of 0 is 0 = (4 + 12=) 16; 
viz. the off-points are the points (sc = 0, y = 0, z = 0), (# = (), y = 0, w — 0) each 8 times. 
On account of this union of points the singularity is really one of a higher order, but 
equivalent to 0 = 16. 
I am not at present able to explain the off-plane or reciprocal singularity 0' = 1. 
33. As to the close-point or singularity %=1. I remark that at an ordinary point 
of the cuspidal curve the section by the tangent plane touches, at the point of contact, 
the cuspidal curve: the point of contact is on the curve of section a singular point 
■in the nature of a triple point, viz. taking the point of contact as origin, the form 
of the branch in the vicinity thereof is y s — x i = 0, where y = 0 is the equation of the 
tangent to the cuspidal curve], such that the point of contact counts 4 times in the 
intersection of the cuspidal curve with the curve of section. At a close-point the form 
of the curve of section is altered; viz. the point of contact is here in the nature of 
a quadruple point with two distinct branches, one of them a triple branch of the form 
y 3 = x A , but such that the tangent thereof, y = 0, is not the tangent of the cuspidal 
curve; the other of them a simple branch, the tangent of which is also distinct from 
the tangent of the cuspidal branch: the point of contact counts 3 + 1 times, that is 
4 times, as before, in the intersection of the cuspidal curve and the curve of section. 
The tangent to the simple branch may conveniently be termed the cotangent at the 
close-point; that of the other branch the cotriple tangent. 
34. We may look at the question differently thus: to fix the ideas, let the cuspidal 
curve be a complete intersection P = 0, Q = 0; the equation of the surface is 
(A, B, C^P, Q) 2 = 0, where AC — B 2 = 0, in virtue of the equations P = 0, Q = 0 of the 
cuspidal curve, that is, AC - B 2 is =MP + JS r Q suppose. We have (as in the investiga 
tion regarding the pinch-point) a critic surface AC— B 2 = 0, this meets the surface in 
the cuspidal curve and in a residual curve of intersection ; the residual curve by its 
intersection with the cuspidal curve determines the close-points; the tangent at the 
close-point is I believe the tangent of the residual curve. Analytically the close-points 
are given by the equations P = 0, Q = 0, (A, B, CQN, — M) 2 = 0. It is proper to remark 
that if besides the cuspidal curve there be a nodal curve, only such of the points so 
determined as do not lie on the nodal curve are the close-points. 

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