Article Nos. 48 and 49. The Flecnodcil Torse.
48. Starting from
22h' + 27c' = 6 (66' + 8c') - 7 (26' + 3c')
= 6 (3ft' 2 - 6»' -k) — 7 (ft' 2 - n f - S)
= lln' 2 — 29??' + 7 — 6«,
that is
lift' 2 - 24ft' - 226' - 27c' = 5ft' - 7S + 6«,
I find
ft'(lift' - 24)-226'-27c'
= ft (ft -1) (lift - 24) + 6 (- 59ft + 96) + c (- 94ft + 156) + 266 2 + 87c 2
- 52k - 114k + 141/3 + 94 7 + 77% + 3j + 4 % - 156» - 456 - 10(7 - 9B.
49. For a surface of the order n without singularities this equation is
ft' (lift' - 24) - 226' - 27c' = ft (ft - 1) (lift - 24) ;
to explain the meaning of it, I say that the reciprocal of a flecnode is a flecnodal plane,
and vice versa: the reciprocal of the flecnodal torse of the surface n (viz. the torse
generated by the flecnodal planes of the surface) is thus the flecnodal curve of the
reciprocal surface ft'; and the class of the torse must therefore be equal to the order
of the curve. The flecnodal torse is generated by the tangents of the surface n along
the curve of intersection with a surface of the order lift —24; the number of tangent
planes which pass through an arbitrary point, or class of the torse, is at once found
to be ft (ft — 1) (ll?i — 24); for the reciprocal surface the order of the flecnodal curve
is by what precedes ft'(lift'— 24) — 226'— 27c'; and the equation thus expresses that
the order of the curve is equal to the class of the torse.
Article No. 50. The general Surface of the Order n without Singularities.
50. In the general surface of the order n without singularities, we have
n = ft,
a = ft 2 — ft,
8 = \n (ft — 1) (ft — 2) (n — 3),
k = ft (ft — 1) (n — 2),
k =0,
6 =0,
C. VI.