Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 6)

or the other direction) any closed curve surrounding the point z = 0 for which the 
function - under the integral sign becomes infinite: but in obtaining the value as 
above, no use is made of the principles relating to the integration of functions which 
thus become infinite. 
The equation 
log P = log r + id 
pm _ gin log P — pm Qimd 
or say 
(x + iy) m = r m e' 
where, m being any real quantity whatever, r m denotes the positive real value of r m . 
We have thus a definition of the value of (x + iy) m , and the value so defined may 
be called the selected value. And similarly, for an imaginary exponent m=p 4-qi, we 
(¿g _j_ itjy+Qi — e (p+qi) dogr+ifl) 
_ gp]o%r—q6+i (p8+q\o%r) 
which is the selected value of (x + iy) p+ Q l . 
It may be remarked, in illustration of the advantage (or rather the necessity) of 
having a selected value, that in an integral jzdz, taken between given limits along 
a given path, it is necessary that we know, for the real or imaginary value of z 
corresponding to each point of the path, the value of the function Z; and consequently, 
if Z is a function involving log 2 or z m , the indeterminateness which presents itself 
in these symbols (considered as belonging to a single value of z) is, so to speak, 
indefinitely multiplied, and jzdz is really an unmeaning combination of symbols, unless 
by selecting, as above or otherwise, a unique value of log z or z m , we render the 
function to be integrated a determinate function of the variable.

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