Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 6)

78. The equation of the Hessian surface is found to be 
(yZ + 8 TIO XZW+ Y 2 (yZ - 8 W) 2 + 3 (cX + d Y) XZW + 12 7 SX F- (aX + b Y) 
- ( 7 Z + 8W) (3aX 3 + 9bX 2 Y + 6cXY 2 ) 
— 9X 2 {(ac — b 2 ) X 2 + (ad — be) XY + (bd — c 2 ) F 2 } = 0. 
79. Combining with the foregoing the equation of the surface 
XZW+ Y 2 (yZ+8W) + (a, b, c, d%X, F) 3 = 0, 
it appears that these have along the line X = 0, F = 0 the common tangent plane 
X = 0, or, what is the same thing, that they meet in the line X = 0, F= 0 (the axis) 
twice, and in a residual curve of the tenth order, which is the spinode curve; the 
equations may be presented in the somewhat more simple form 
XZW + F 2 (yZ + 8 TF) + (a, b, c, d\X, Y) 3 = 0, 
-^y8Y 2 ZW-^(yZ+8W)(a, b, c, d\X, F) 3 + 12 7 8XF 2 (aX + bY) 
+ X 4 (— 12ac + 96 2 ) — 3d (4aX 3 F + QbX 2 Y 2 + 4cXF 3 + (¿F 4 ) = 0, 
which, however, still contain the line X = 0, F=() twice. The spinode curve, as just 
mentioned, is of the tenth order; that is, we have er'=10. 
Each of the 6 mere lines is a double tangent to the spinode curve, but the 
transversal is only a single tangent: to show this, observe that the equations of the 
transversal are X = 0, yZ + 8IF + dY — 0 ; substituting in the equations of the curve 
the first equation, that of the cubic surface is of course satisfied identically; for the 
second equation, writing X = 0, this becomes F 2 {— QtyhZW — ^dY(yZ + 8 IF) — 3d 2 Y 2 \ = 0 ; 
or writing herein dY= — (yZ + SW), it becomes F 2 (yZ — 8W) 2 = 0. The value F 2 = 0 
gives X = 0, F=0, 7 i?+8TF=0, viz. this is a point on the axis X = 0, F=0 not 
belonging to the spinode curve; the value (yZ — 8W) 2 = 0 gives a point of contact 
X = 0, yZ + STF+ dY = 0, yZ—8W=0; and the transversal is thus a single tangent. 
Hence the number of contacts is 2.6 + 1, =13; that is, we have /3' =13. 
Reciprocal Surface. 
80. The equation is found by equating to zero the discriminant of the binary 
{xX 2 + yXY—(8z + yw)Y 2 } + ^Ziu{X(a, b, c, d^X, F) 3 — 7 SF 4 }, 
or say this is (*$X, F) 4 , where the coefficients are 
Qx 2 + 24 azw, 
3 xy + 13b zw, 
y 2 — 2 (8z + yiu) x + 12c^w, 
— 3 (8z + yw) y + 6dzw, 
6 (8z — yw) 2 .

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