Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 6)

The equations of the spinode curve may be presented in the form 
¡I XX, 
aX 2 + bZ 2 — F 2 , 
aX 3 + bZ 3 
! x + x, 
TF , 
F 2 
it is a curve 3.4 — 2, the partial intersection of a quartic and a cubic surface which 
touch along a line. 
The binode is on the spinode curve a singular point; through it we have two 
branches represented in the vicinity thereof by the equations 
W-t®' - (»-*©'• 
90. The edge counted once is regarded as a double tangent of the spinode 
curve (I do not understand this, there is apparently a higher tangency); each of the 
four mere lines is a double tangent; the transversal is a single tangent; hence 
/3' = 2.2 + 2.4 + 1, =13. 
Reciprocal Surface. 
91. The equation is found by equating to zero the discriminant of the binary 
y 2 X 2 X 2 + 4w (Xx + Zz) XZ (X + Z) + 4w 2 (aX 2 + bZJ) (X + Zf, 
viz. multiplying by 6 to avoid fractions, and calling the function (*]£X, X) 4 , the coeffi 
cients are 
24cm> 2 , 
6w {x + 2 aiu), 
y 2 + 4 (x + z) w + 4 {a -1- b) w 2 , 
6 w (z + 2bw), 
24 bw~ ; 
and then writing 
L = y 2 + 4 (x + z) w + 4 (a -+ b) w 2 , 
M = ‘k{xz+2(bx + az)w], 
N = Waby' 2 — bx 2 — ay 2 , 
we find 
^1 = L 2 — 12w 2 M, 
— J = L 3 — 18w 2 LM— 54 w 4 N, 
and then the equation is 
i_ 4 |(X2 - l2w 2 M) 3 - (L 3 - 18w 2 LM - 54wUY) 2 } = 0, 
viz. it is 
L 3 N + DM 2 - \8w 2 LMN - l6w 2 M 3 - 27w 4 N 2 = 0.

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