Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 6)

The complete intersection with the surface is made up of X — 0, Y= 0 (torsal 
ray) six times; X = 0, Z = 0 (single ray) twice; and of a residual quartic, which is 
the spinode curve; a = 4. 
The equations of the spinode curve are XZ — Y 2 — 0, XW + 2Z 2 = 0; the first 
surface is a cone having its vertex on the second surface; and the curve is thus a 
nodal quadriquadric. 
The mere line is a single tangent of the spinode curve; /3'= 1. 
Reciprocal Surface. 
175. The equation is obtained by means of the binary cubic 
(— 3y 2 , 2yz, 4aw, QywfX, Yf, 
viz. throwing out the factor y, the equation is 
w 2 (— 64a 3 ) + w (— 16x 3 z 2 + 72xy 2 z 4- 27y*) + 1 Qy 2 z 3 = 0. 
The section by the plane w = 0 (reciprocal of U 7 ) is iv = 0, z = 0 (reciprocal of 
torsal ray) three times, and w — 0, y = 0 (reciprocal of single ray) twice. 
Nodal curve. This is the line a = 0, y— 0, reciprocal of the mere line: b' = l. 
Cuspidal curve. The equation of the surface may be written 
(64a;, — 1 62, — 3iu\z 2 + 3aw, 9 y 2 + 4zx) 2 = 0, 
4. 64a; (— 3w) — 2o6z 2 = — 256 {z- + 3xw). 
This exhibits the cuspidal curve z- + Saw = 0, 9y 2 + 4^a = 0, where the surfaces are 
each of them cones; the vertex of the second cone is on the first cone, and the two 
cones have at this point a common tangent plane; the curve is thus a cuspidal 
176. {The equation 
(64a, — 16^, — Swjz 2 + 3xw, 9y 2 + 42a) 2 = 0 
resembles that of a quintic torse, viz. the equation of a quintic torse is 
( a, — 4 2, 8 iv\z 2 — 2 wx, y 1 — 2 zx) 2 = 0, 
which equation, writing 9y for y, — 2a for x, and fw for w, becomes 
(— 2a, — 4>z, 0>w\z 2 + 3aw, 9y 2 + 42a) 2 = 0, 
or, what is the same thing, 
( a, 22, — 3w\z 2 + Saw, 9y 2 + 42a) 2 = 0 ; 
and developing, this is 
a 3 , w 2 
+ a 2 . — 2 z 2 w 
4- a . — 18 y 2 zw + 2 4 
— 27i/ 4 w 4- 2y 2 z 3 = 0, 
Avhich, however, differs from the equation of the reciprocal surface, not only in the 
numerical coefficients, but by the presence of a term xz 4 .}

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