Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 6)

125. Hence taking the points on the curve to be the circular points at infinity, 
we have the sixteen foci lying in fours upon four different circles—that is, we have 
four tetrads of con cyclic foci. Let any one of these tetrads be A, B, C, D, then if 
Antipoints of (B, 
are (A, Cj), 
(A > 
A) {B, 
„ (C 2 , A. 2 ), 
» {A3, B 3 ), 
{G s , 
the four tetrads of concyclic foci 
A , 
0, D ; 
C» A; 
A 2 , 
B 2 , 
A, A ; 
A 3 , 
B 3 , 
C 3 , D 3 . 
It is to be observed that if A, B, G, D are any four points on a circle, then if, as 
above, we pair these in any manner, and take the antipoints of each pair, the four 
antipoints lie on a circle, and thus the original system A, B, C, D, of four points on 
a circle, leads to the remaining three systems of four points on a circle. The theory 
is in fact that already discussed ante, No. 72 et seq. 
126. The preceding theory applies without alteration to the bicircular quartic, 
viz., the quartic curve which has a node at each of the circular points at infinity. 
The class is here = 8, but among the tangents from a node each of the two tangents 
at the node is to be reckoned twice, and the number of the remaining tangents is 
= 4: the number of foci is =16. And, by the general theorem that in a binodal 
quartic the pencils of tangents from the two nodes respectively are homologous, the 
sixteen foci are related to each other precisely in the manner of the foci of the 
circular cubic. The latter is in fact a particular case of the former, viz., the bicircular 
quartic may break up into the line infinity, and a circular cubic. 
Article Nos. 127 to 129. Centre of the Circular Cubic, and Nodo-Foci, ¿oc. of the 
Bicircidar Quartic. 
127. The tangents at I, J have not been recognised as tangents from I, J, giving 
by their intersection a focus, but it is necessary in the theory to pay attention to the 
tangents in question. It is clear that these tangents are in fact asymptotes—viz., in 
the case of the circular cubic they are the two imaginary asymptotes of the curve, 
and in the case of a bicircular quartic, the two pairs of imaginary parallel asymptotes; 
but it is convenient to speak of them as the tangents at I, J. 
128. In the case of a circular cubic, the tangents at I and J meet in a point 
which I call the centre of the curve, viz., this is the intersection of the two imaginary 

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