Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 6)

and for either set of values the verification of the relation 
dap (/3 — 7) + d0a (y — a) -f dyr (a — 0) = 0, 
will depend on the two identical equations 
sin A sin {B — G) + sin B sin (G — A) + sin G sin {A — B) — 0, 
cos A sin (B — G) + cos B sin (G — A) + cos G sin (A — B) = 0 : 
although the foregoing solution for the case of a circular cubic is the most elegant 
one, I will presently return to the question and give the solution in a different form. 
Article No. 186. Focal Formulae, for the Symmetrical Curve. 
186. In the symmetrical case, where the foci A, B, G, D are on a line, then if, 
as usual, a, h, c, d denote the distances from a fixed point, we have the expressions 
of (a, b, c, d) in a form adapted to the formulae of No. 49, viz., 
a : b : c : d = (b — c)(c-d)(d-b): — (c — d)(d—a)(a—c): (d—a)(a—b)(b—d): — (a—b)(b—c)(c—a), 
so that, assuming 
the equation 
l : m : n = p(b —cf : a (c — a) 2 : t (a — b) 2 , 
l m n _ 
- + , + - = °, 
a b c 
p (b — c) (a — d) + a (c — a) (b — d)+ t (a — b)(c —d) = 0, 
and the equation of the curve may be presented under any one of the four forms 
( . , ^r(d-c), Vi (b — d), Vp (c -b) )(v / 31, V©, \f(s, >/$) = <). 
vV (c — d), . , Vp (d — a), Vo- (a — c) 
l da(d — b), Vp (a — d), . , Vt(6— a) 
dp (b — c), Va(c — a), dr (a — b), 
Article No. 187. Case of the Symmetrical Circular Cubic. 
187. For a circular cubic we must have 
p (b — c) (a — d) + a (c —a) (b — d) + r (a — b) (c — cl) = 0, 
d p(b — c) + da(c — a) +dr(a — b) =0. 
These equations give dp‘da:dr = 1:1:1 (values which obviously satisfy the two 
equations), or else 
dp : dd : Jp = a + d-b-c : b + d — c — a : c + d — a — b.

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