Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 6)

in the general case where the points A, B, G, D are not on a circle, this is, as has 
been seen, a sextic curve, the locus of the foci of the conics which pass through 
the four given points; in the case where the points are in a circle then the sextic 
breaks up into two cubics (viz., observing that the curve under consideration is 
VZ21 + Vra33 + Vw(£ + Vp3) = 0, where Vi : Vm. : Vw : Vp = a : b : c : d, these values do 
of themselves satisfy the condition of decoinposability — + - + 3 = 0), that is, the 
locus of the foci of the conics which pass through four points on a circle is composed 
of two circular cubics, each of them having the four points for a set of concyclic 
foci. It is easy to see why the sextic, thus defined as a locus of foci, must break 
up into two cubics; in fact, as we have seen, the conics which pass through the four 
concyclic points A, B, C, D have their axes in two fixed directions; there is con 
sequently a locus of the foci situate on the axes which are in one of the fixed 
directions, and a separate locus of the foci situate on the axes which lie in the other 
of the fixed directions; viz., each of these loci is a circular cubic. 
200. Adopting the notation of No. 188, or writing 
RA = a 1 , RB = b 1} RC = c 1 , RD = d lt 
(and therefore Z^Cx 
= ttidi) we have 
a : b 
: c : d = — dx (61 — Cx) 
: Cx 
(a x — dx) : — 61 (aj — dj) 
VS = a + d 
, VS = a + d, 
Vm x = b + ,y/ 
, Vm 2 = b-^/-° d , 
V^ = C — >y/ 
, - /bed 
, vw 2 = c + y —-, 
and we have 
(a } - dO 2 = af (cq - d1) 2 , a/— = -a 1 (a 1 - d x ) suppose; 
di v a 
and thence 
that is 
VS = (Oj - (h) (Jh - Cl), V4 = (Oi - dj) ( Ih-Ci) 
^m 1 = (a 1 — dj) (Ci - Oj), Vm 2 = (a x — dj) ( c 2 + cq) 
Vwj = (a x - d x ) (oj -61), Vw 2 = (oj - dO (- ch - 61), 
VS : Vm a : l '/n 1 = b 1 — Cj : c x — a x : a 1 — b 1 , 
V/ 2 : Vra 2 : Vn 2 = 6 1 — c x : c x + (h : —a l — b l , 
agreeing with the formulae No. 188. 
The tetrazomal curve 
— dj (61 — Cj) VS] + Cj (aj - dO V^S — (oq — dj) Vg + oq (61 - Cx) ViD = 0

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