Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 6)

5. It was also pointed out to me by Dr Zeuthen that in the value of 24i given 
in No. 10 the term involving % should be — 6% instead oi + 6%, and that in consequence 
the coefficients of % are erroneous in several others of the formulae. Correcting these, 
and at the same time introducing the terms in co, and writing down also the terms 
in 0 as they stand, we have 
4 i = ... — 2% + 30 — 3o), 
24i = ... — 6% + 90 — 9<w, 
2cr = ... — 0 — ft), 
8p = ... + 6% — .90+ 9a), 
8 /£=...— 6% + 170 — 25ft), 
23=...+ 6% — 90 + 15®, 
8 n' = ... — 30% + 210 — 45ct), 
c' = ...- 12% + 100 - 20«. 
The equations of No. 11, used afterwards, No. 53, should thus be 
41+ 6r = ( on — 12)c —18/3 — 5y — 2%+ 30 — 3ft), 
— 24i —8q + 18r = (— 8n + 16) b + (15n — 36) c — 34/3 + 9^ + 4j — 6% + 90 — 9co ; 
and from these I deduce 
44q + ^-r = (44n - 88) b + n - 63) c - ^ /3 - a§a 7 - 1321 - 87i - 22j - ^ 0. 
6. In No. 32 we have (without alteration) 0=16; but in the application (Nos. 40 
and 41) to the surface FP 2 + GR 2 Q 3 = 0 we have 0 = 0, and there are o)=fpq off-points, 
F =0, P = 0, Q = 0, and x = 9P f I close-points, G = 0, P = 0, Q = 0. The new equations 
involving co are thus satisfied. 
7. I have ascertained that the value of /3' obtained, Nos. 51 to 64 of the memoir, 
is inconsistent with that obtained in the “ Addition ” by consideration of the deficiency, 
and that it is in fact incorrect. The reason is that, although, as stated No. 53, the 
values of two of the coefficients D, E may be assumed at pleasure, they cannot, in 
conjunction with a given system of values of A, B, C, be thus assumed at pleasure; 
viz. A, B, C being = 110, 272, 44 respectively, the values of D, E are really deter 
minate. I have no direct investigation, but by working back from the formula in the 
Addition I find that we must have D = ^-, E — 315; the values of the remaining 
coefficients then are 
F=™, G = - 7 -^, H = - uloa, / = -198; 
or the formula is 
/3' = 2n (n — 2) (lift — 24) 
-(110/1 — 272)0+ 44 ? 
- (±p- n - 315) c + ^-r 
+ i|5/3 + i(^5 7+ 198i 
- hC — gB — xi — Xj — /¿% — v0 —fco 
- h'C' - g'B' - x'i - \'j' - fj,'x - v 0' -fco' ; 
but I have not as yet any means of determining the coefficients f f of the terms 
in ft), CO .

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