Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 6)

approach together, and, when the plane passes through the cusp, unite into a singular 
point in the nature of a triple point (= node + two cusps) ; and when the plane passes 
below the cusp, the two cusps of the section become imaginary, and the nodal line 
changes from crunodal to acnodal. 
625. At a point i the nodal curve crosses the cuspidal curve, being on the side 
away from the two half-sheets of the surface acnodal, and on the side of the two 
half-sheets crunodal, viz. the two half-sheets intersect each other along this portion of 
the nodal curve. There is at the point a single tangent plane, which is a plane i' ; 
and we thus have i = i. 
626. As already mentioned, a cnicnode G is a point where, instead of a tangent 
plane, we have a tangent quadricone ; and at a binode B the quadricone degenerates 
into a pair of planes. A cnictrope C is a plane touching the surface along a conic ; 
in the case of a bitrope B', the conic degenerates into a flat conic or pair of points. 
627. In the original formulae for a (n — 2), 6 (ft — 2), c (n — 2), we have to write « — B 
instead of k, and the formulae are further modified by reason of the singularities 6 
and to. So in the original formulae for a (n — 2) (n — 3), b (n — 2) (n — 3), c (n — 2) (n — 3), 
we have instead of 8 to write 8 — G — Sto ; and to substitute new expressions for 
[ab], [ac], [be], viz. these are 
[ab] = ab-2p - j, 
[ac] = ac — 3cr — % — to, 
[¿>c] = be — 3/3 — 27 — i. 
The whole series of equations thus is 
a = a. 
%' = i. 
a = 11 (11 — 1) — 2 b — 3c. 
k! = 311 {n — 2) — 6 b — 8c. 
8' = \n (n — 2) (?i 2 — 9) — (w 2 — n — 6) (26 + 3c) + 26 (6 — 1 ) + 66c + fc (c — 1). 
a (n — 2) = k — B + p + 2cr -|- 3(w. 
6 (n — 2) = p -f- 2/3 + 37 + St. 
c(n— 2)= 2a + 4/3 + 7 + 0 + &). 
a (n — 2) (11 — 3) = 2 (8 — G — Sto) + 3 (ac — Sa — % — Sto) + 2 (ab — 2 p — j 
7./„ o\/„ o\ ai. _|_ ( a b —2p—j ) + S(bc— S/3 — 2y — i). 
+ (ac — 3o’ — % — 3to) + 2 (be — 3/3 — 2<y — i). 
6 (11 — 2) (n — 3) = 4/b 
c (w — 2) (ft — 3) = 6/1 
q ■= b~ — 6 — 2k — 2/— 37 
r — c~ - c — 2h — 3/3. 
C. VI. 
7 4

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