Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 6)

where the reciprocant in question may be calculated from the before mentioned table 
67, viz. multiplying by 3 in order to avoid fractions, the coefficients of the table are 
(a, b, c, f, g, h, i, j, k, l ) 
= (0, 0, 0, c, a, b, b, c, a, —a — b — c) 
respectively, and for the facients (£, y, £) of the table we have to write (x, y, z). 
The expression of the reciprocant is 
= b 2 c 2 x 6 + c 2 a 2 y 6 4- a 2 b 2 z 6 + &c., 
and dividing by (x + y + zf we have the equation of the envelope in the form 
b 2 c 2 x A + c 2 a 2 y* + a 2 b 2 z i + &c. = 0, 
which must of course be identical with the former result 
bcyz (cy — bz) 2 + cazx (az — cx) 2 + abxy (bx — ay) 2 4- &c. = 0. 
Instead of discussing the curve of the third class 
«£ (v - ty + h (£-£) 2 + cf - y) 2 = o, 
it will be convenient to write (x, y, z) in place of (£, y, f), and discuss the curve 
of the third order, or cubic curve 
U — ax (y — z) 2 +by (z — x) 2 + cz(x — y) 2 = 0, 
which is of course a curve having a node at the point (# = ?/ = z), or say at the 
point (1, 1, 1), and having therefore three inflexions lying in a line. The equation of 
the tangents at the node is found to be 
a (y — z) 2 + b (z — xf 4- c (x — y) 2 = 0, 
that is, at the node the second derived functions of U are proportional to 
(b + c, c + a, a+b, —a, —b, — c). 
The equation of the Hessian may be found directly, or by means of the table, 
No. 61, in my memoir above referred to. It is as follows: 
(b + c) {a (6 + c) + 26c] x 3 
+ (c + a) {6 (c + a)+2ca) y 3 
+ (a + b) {c (a + b)+ 2ab] z 3 
— (3a 2 + 2be + 2ca + 2ab) (cy 2 z + byz 2 ) 
— (3b 2 4- 2be + 2ca + 2ab) (az 2 x + czx 2 ) 
— (3c 2 + 2be 4 2ca 4 2ab) (bx 2 y 4- axy 2 ) 
4- {4 (be 2 4- b 2 c 4- ca 2 + c 2 a + ab 2 + a?b) + 6abc\ xyz = 0.

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