section: I say equivalent to n 3 — 1 points, for this fixed intersection need not be
n 3 — 1 points, but it may be or include a curve of intersection ( 1 ). The surfaces
X = 0, F = 0, Z = 0, TF = 0 must consequently have a common intersection equivalent
to n 3 — 1 points; there is (as in the preceding case) a cause of failure to be guarded
against, viz., the condition as to the intersection must not be such as to imply
one more point of intersection, that is, to imply an identical equation or syzygy
aX + /3F + yZ + 8 TF = 0 between the functions X, F, Z, TF; but it is assumed that
they are not thus connected. There is, then, a single variable point of intersection of
the surfaces x' : y' : z : w = X : F : Z : TF; or taking the coordinates of this point
to be (x, y, z, w), we have the ratios x : y : z : w rationally determined; that is, we
have a second set of equations x : y : z : w = X' : Y' : Z' : TF', where X', F', Z', TF'
are rational and integral functions of the same order, say n\ in the coordinates
(x, y\ z, w'); viz., we have the rational transformation, as above, between the two
6. Suppose that the common intersection of the surfaces X = 0, F = 0, Z = 0, TF = 0
is or includes a curve of the order v; and consider in the first figure the two surfaces
aX + /3Y + yZ + STF = 0, oqX + /3jF + y X Z + 8 X TF = 0,
and the arbitrary plane ax + by + cz + dw = 0. The two surfaces intersect in the fixed
curve v, and in a residual curve of the order n 2 — v; hence the two surfaces and the
plane meet in v points on the fixed curve, and in n 2 — v other points. Corresponding
to the surfaces and plane in the first figure, we have in the second figure the two
ax' + (3y' + yz + 8w' = 0, a x x + ^yf + 7 1 z' + Sjw' = 0,
and the surface aX’ + b Y' + cZ' + d W' = 0 of the order n': these intersect in n' points,
being a system corresponding point to point with the n 2 — v points of the first figure;
that is, we must have n' = n 2 — v. And conversely, it follows that in the second figure
the common intersection of the surfaces X' =0, F = 0, Z' = 0, W — 0 will be or include
a curve of the order v ; and that we shall have n = n 2 — v. Hence also
v — v = (n — n') (n + n' + 1).
7. The principle of the rational transformation comes out more clearly in the
foregoing two cases than in the case of two lines, which from its very simplicity fails
to exhibit the principle so well; and I have accordingly postponed the consideration of
it: but the theory is similar to that of the foregoing cases. We must have the
two sets (each a single equation) x : y = X : F, and x : y = X' : Y'. The equation
x' : y' = X : Y must give for the ratio x : y a single variable value ; viz., there must
be n — 1 constant values (values, that is, independent of x', y'); this can only be the
case by reason of the functions having a common factor M of the order n — 1; but
this being so, the common factor divides out, and the equation assumes the form
x : y' = X : F, where X, F are linear functions of (x, y): and we have then reciprocally
1 The curve of intersection may consist of distinct curves, each or any of which may be a singular
curve of any kind in regard to the several surfaces.