x : y = X' : Y', where X', Y' are linear functions of (xy'). Thus in the present case,
instead of an infinity of transformations for different values of n, n!, we have only the
well-known homographie transformation wherein n=n'—l.
8. In the discussion of the foregoing cases of the transformation between two
planes and two spaces, it was tacitly assumed that n was greater than 1, and the
transformations considered were thus different from the homographie transformation ;
but it is hardly necessary to remark that the homographie transformation applies to
these cases also ; viz., for two planes we may have x' : y' : z' = X : F : Z, and
x : y : z = X' : Y' : Z', where (X, Y, Z), (XY', Z') are linear functions of the two
sets of coordinates respectively ; and similarly for two spaces ad : y[ : z' : w' = X : F : Z : W
and x : y : z : w = X' : Y' : Z' : W', where (X, F, Z, W), (XY r , Z', W') are linear
functions of the two sets of coordinates respectively. We may, if we please, separate
off the homographie transformation (as between two lines, planes, and spaces respectively),
and restrict the notion of the rational transformation to the higher or non-linear trans
formations ; in this point of view, the case of two lines would not be considered at
all, but the theory of the rational transformation would begin with the case of the
two planes. Such severance of the theory is, however, somewhat arbitrary ; and more
over the homographie transformation between two lines (being, as mentioned, the only
rational transformation) is analogous not only to the homographie transformation between
two planes, and to the homographie transformation between two spaces, but it is also
analogous to the lineo-linear (or quadric) transformation between two planes, and to the
lineo-linear (which is a cubic) transformation between two spaces.
9. For the sake of bringing out this analogy, I shall consider in some detail the
homographie transformation between two lines ; but as regards the homographie trans
formations between two planes and between two spaces respectively (although there is
room for a like discussion) the theories may be considered as substantially known, and
I do not propose to go into them.
The Homographie Transformation between Two Lines.
10. By what precedes, it appears that we have x : y' = X : Y, where (X, Y) are
linear functions of (x, y); and conversely, x : y — X' : Y', where X', Y' are linear
functions of (x\ y); or what is the same thing, the relation is expressed by a single
(ax + by) x' + (cx + dy) y' = 0 ;
or, as this may conveniently be written,
or, when the expression of the actual values of the coefficients is unnecessary,
(*$>, y) y') = °-
We thus see that the rational transformation between two lines is in fact the homo
graphic transformation; and also that it is the lineo-linear transformation.