points P, P' will therefore contribute equal values to the deficiencies of the two curves
respectively ; so that, in equating the two deficiencies, we may disregard P, P', and
attend only to the points a 1 , a 2 ,...oin-i of the first plane, and a/, a 2 ', ...aV-i of the
second plane. The required relation thus is
i (k - 1) (k - 2) - 2 J jet, (a, - 1) + a, (a s - 1)... +<*„_, (a„_, - 1))
= i (V - 1 ) W - 2) - 2 \ K « - 1) + ai (a: - 1)... + a'«., (a'_, - 1 )(.
61. In the case of the quadric transformation n = 2, we have in the first plane
the three points a 1} say these are A, B, G; and in the second plane the three points
a/, say these are A', B', O'. And if in the first plane the curve of the order k
passes a, b, c times through the three points respectively, and in the second plane
the corresponding curve of the order k' passes a, b', c times through the three points
respectively, then it is easy to obtain
k! = 2k — a — b — c,
a = k'-b'-c',
b — k' — d — a',
c = k' -a - V.
a' = k — b — c,
b' = k — c — a,
c = k — a — b.
The Quadric Transformation any number of times repeated.
62. We may successively repeat the quadric transformation according to the type:
Third Fig.
Second Fig.
A', B', C
D', E\ F
Fourth Fig.
First Fig.
A, B, C
viz., in the transformation between the first and second figures, the principal systems
are ABC and A'B'C' respectively; in that between the second and third figures,
they are D'E'F' and D"E"F" respectively; in that between the third and fourth
figures, they are G"H"I" and G'"H"'T"; and so on. And it is then easy to see that
between the first and any subsequent figure we have a rational transformation of
the order 2 for the second figure, 4 for the third figure, 8 for the fourth figure, and
so on.
63. But to further explain the relation, we may complete the diagram, by taking,
in the transformation between the second and third figures, A", B", G" to correspond
to A', B', C'; similarly, in that between the third and fourth, A'", B'", G'" to
correspond to A", B", G" ; and D"', E”', F"' to correspond to D", E", F". And so in
the transformation between the second and third figure, we may make G', H', F