Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 7)

is that of the tangent plane to the torse along the line ax 2 4- 2 bxy + cy 2 = 0,. 
bx 2 + 2cxy + dy 2 = 0 : this line meets the cuspidal curve in the point whose coordinates are 
a : b : c : d = y s : — xy 2 : x 2 y : —y 3 . The equation 
H= 0 
is that of a quadric cone having the last mentioned point for its vertex, and passing 
through the cuspidal curve: and the equation 
0 = 0 
is that of the cubic surface which is the first polar of the same point in regard to 
the torse. 
The equation O 2 — V U 2 = — 4<H 3 , writing therein U=0, gives 0 2 = —4 H 3 , a result 
which implies that U — 0, H = 0 is a certain curve repeated twice, and that £6=0, 
0 = 0 is the same curve repeated three times. The curve in question is at once 
seen to be the line of contact B X U = 0, B y U = 0; it thus appears that the tangent 
plane U = 0 meets the cubic surface 0 = 0 in this line taken three times. This can 
only be the case if the equation 0 = 0 be expressible in the form MU + (8 X U) 3 — 0, or, 
what is the same thing, 
MU+(aS x U+/38 y Uy = 0, 
a. and ¡3 constants, M a quadric function of (a, 6, c, d); that is, O must be equal to 
a function of the form 
MU + (a8 x U+/38 y U) 2 . 
Seeking for this expression of O, and writing the symbols out at length, I find that 
the required identical equation is 
( a 2 d — 3abc +2b 3 ) a? 
— (— Sabd + 6ac 2 — Sb 2 c) x 2 v 
2bxy + cy 2 ) + ¡3 (Jbx 2 + 2cxy + dy 2 )} 3 = 
^ — (— ad 2 — 3bed + 2c 3 ) y 3 
(a, b, c, d\x, y) 3 .( 2a 2 , Qab , 6b 2 
ad + Sbc )t0», y) 3 (a, Q) 3 , 
6ab , 12ac + 6b 2 , 3ad + 156c, 
66 2 , 3 ad + 156c, 12bd + 6c 2 , 
— ad + Sbc, 6c 2 , 6cd , 
6c 2 
2d 2 
(where the f indicates that the binomial coefficients are not to be inserted, viz. the 
function on the right hand is {2a 2 ^ 3 + (5abx 2 y + Qb 2 xy 3 + (- ad + 36c) y 3 } a 3 + &c.). As a 
verification remark that for x = a, y = /3, the equation becomes simply 2U 3 = U.2U 2 .

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