and thence
p = (1 - sin 2 k),
r sm z p
p = (1 - sin 2 k),
r Sin 2 j3
a = -r > [cos A cos A' + sin A sin A' cos (h' — h) + sin k sin k\
amp smp J
P = fsin A (x cos h + y sin h ) + z cos A },
Sin]9 1
P' = . ^ . i sin A' (x cos b! + y sin li) + z cos A'}.
sm p 1
Moreover, if the right ascensions of the Moon and Sun are a, a respectively, and
if the R.A. of the meridian of Greenwich (or sidereal time in angular measure) be
= 2, then we have
/i = 2-a, h! = t-oi.
It is to be observed that h—li, A, A' are slowly varying quantities, viz., their
variation depends upon the variation of the celestial positions of the Sun and Moon ;
but h and h' depend on the diurnal motion, thus varying about 15° per hour; to
put in evidence the rate of variation of the several angles h, h', A, A' during the
continuance of the eclipse, instead of the foregoing values of h, ti, I write
A '={ £+ ( i+ ¥M ir -
where t is the Greenwich mean time, E, E x are the values (reckoned in parts of an
hour) of the Equation of Time at the preceding and following mean noons respectively,
taken positively or negatively, so that E, E 1 are the mean times of the two successive
apparent noons respectively; whence also
A=j.E+(l + ^ 1 ^)iJ 15° -a + a';
and moreover
a = A + m (t — T),
a = A + to' (t— T),
A = D + n (t—T),
A' = D' + n' (;t-T),
if T be the time of conjunction, A, A, D, D' the values at that instant of the
R.A.’s and N.P.D.’s ; to, to' and n, n' the horary motions in R.A. and N.P.D. respectively.