Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 7)

colatitude c. The series of curves in question may be called “graduation curves,” viz., 
they would serve for the graduation of the hyperbola in the planogram for an orbit- 
plane rotating round any line x cos b + y sin b = 0 in the plane of xy. But the elimination 
cannot be easily effected, and I am not in possession of any method of tracing the 
series of curves. 
60. I remark that from the equations 
x' : y' : 1 = (a cos b + b sin b) cos c — c sin c 
: — a sin b + b cos b 
: (f cos b + g sin b) sin c + h cos c, 
we may without difficulty eliminate b; the result is, in fact, 
[?) (— ah cos c) + y (— bh cos' 2 c — eg sin 2 c) — ac sin c] 2 
4- \x ( bh cos c) + y' (— ah cos 2 c -1- cf sin 2 c) + be sin c] 2 
= [x' ( ch sin c) + y' ( ag — bf) sin c cos c + (a 2 — b 2 ) cos cf, 
a conic; but the geometrical signification of this result is not obvious, and I do not 
make any use of it. 
Article Nos. 61 to 63. The Trivector and the Orbit 
61. Considering now the three rays, these are determined by their six coordinates, 
( a i> h l5 c i> fi> hi), 
(a 2 , b 2 , c 2 , f 2 , g 2 , h 2 ), 
(a 3 , b 3 , c 3 , f 3 , g 3 , h 3 ), 
respectively; and the intersections with the orbit-plane are given by 
xi : y r ' : 1 = (a l5 b 15 c^a, /3, 7) : -(a 1; b 1} c&a.', /37) : (f 1; g lt h^a", /3", 7"), 
xi : yi : 1 = (a 2 , b 2 , c a $ „ ) : - (a 2 , b 2 , c 3 # „ ) : (f 2 , g a , h a ][ „ ), 
x-1 : yi : 1 = (a*, b 3 , c 3 $ „ ) : - (a 3 , b 3 , c 3 ][ „ ) : (f 3 , g s , h 3 ][ „ ), 
where the axes Sx', Sy, are an arbitrary set of rectangular axes in the orbit-plane; 
or where, as before, the axis Sx' may be taken to be the line of nodes. 
There is no difficulty in finding the equation of the orbit. Writing r 1 =^x-i 2 + yf, 
we have 
_ u x 
(f„ g„ h/3". 7")’ 
Ui = ± V[(a x , bj, Cj][a', /3', 7')] 2 +[( a if y)P>

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