Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 7)

Article Nos. 66 to 82. Planogram No. 1, the Meridian 90°—270° (see Plate II.). 
66. Supposing that the orbit-plane rotates about the axis >81 (fig. 6, see No. 64) 
in the plane of the ecliptic, the orbit-pole will describe the meridian 90°—270°, the 
position of the orbit-pole being 6 = 90°, c = 0 C to 90°, or else ¿ = 270°, c=0° to 90\ 
But the same analytical formula extends to the two half meridians, viz., we may take 
h = 90°, and extend c over 180°, in the final results making c an arc between 0° and 
90°, and b = 90°, or =270°, as the case requires. 
67. Assuming then b = 90°, we have 
a , ß , 7=1, 0 , 0 , 
a' , ß', y = 0, cos c, — sin c, 
a , ß , 7=0, sm c, cos c, 
and, moreover, x', y' = x, y: so that instead of (a?/, yi), &c., we may write at once 
(x 1} 2/j), &c. The formulae become 
Xi : y x : 1 = V 3 cos c + sin c : 0 : sin c + V3 cos c, 
x 2 : y 2 : 1 = V3 cos c — 2 sin c : — 3 : sin c — 2 V3 cos c, 
x 3 : y 3 : 1 = V 3 cos c — 2 sin c : 3 : sin c — 2 \/3 cos c, 
that is 
= 1, 2/i = 0, 
(viz. the orbit-plane, as is evident, meets the ray 1 in a fixed point, its intersection 
with the plane of xy)\ 
V 3 cos c — 2 sin c 
sin c - 2 V3 cos c ’ 
and writing 
—7= = Sin CO, 
—^ = tan co, 
S) A/0 
= COS <0, 
2 v 3 
(whence &) = 16°6') we find 
and we thence have for the hyperbola, the locus of (x 2 , y 2 ) and {x 3 , y 3 ) 

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