Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 7)

but this expression is too complicated to allow of an analytical discussion of the 
series of values of e (such as was given for A, = ±e, in planogram No. 1). The 
numerical calculation gives the results mentioned ante No. 87, viz., c = 0, e = 0; c = 51°, 
g = l; c = 60°, e = oo ; c = 63° 26' — e, e = 4'912; c = 63°26' + e, 1*853 ; c = 69°, e = -628 
(min.); e = 89°20', (viz. X = 86476), e=l; c — \90°, e=r018; values which are ex 
hibited in the diagram in the preceding page. 
92. It may be further remarked, in reference to the formula 
r = Ax + By + G, 
that for c = 60°, that is X = V3, we have A finite, B and G each infinite, but equal 
and of opposite signs; viz., the equation becomes r = ‘2242x ± oo (y — 1), that is y = 1, 
orbit a right line as above. 
The abrupt change at c = 63° 26', X = 2, arises from the change of sign of R 3 ; 
viz., c = 63° 26' -e, R 3 = -~=- 2-309, but c = 63° 26' + e, R 3 = 4= = 4- 2-309 ; the two 
v3 V3 
orbits are 
c = 63° 26' — e, r = *234 * +4-906 y-3-671, e = 4-912, a= -159, 
c = 63° 26' 4- e, r = -678«-1-761 y+ 3*257, e = 1-853, a = 1-338 
For c = 90° the equation is 
4 /- 
r = j=X + f y + vf 
= '770 x + "666 y + 1"527 
and therefore e = ^ff= 1*018 as above; a = 9 V21 = 41"243. 
It is to be added that for c nearly =90°, or X very large, we have 
and thence 
R 2 — V|-X+2V^, 
R 3 = Vf X— 2 Vf-, 
A=- T - 
3 V3 
2 1 _ 
’ V21 
•770 - 
■* 30 l 
B= f - 
5 1 _ 
1-890 \ , 
C= V| - 
1 2 _ 
V3 ^ 
1-527 - 
1-555 ^. 
It was, in fact, by means of these expressions that the value X = 86476 (c = 89°20') 
corresponding to the last-mentioned parabolic orbit was obtained.

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