Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 7)

so that the orbits in the planogram are the whole series of conics having a given 
focus, S, and passing through two fixed points, 2, 3, having the common abscissa 
x = — 1, and at equal distances 
(= 1-15470) on opposite sides of the axis. 
The axis 
of x is obviously the common transverse axis for all the orbits; that is, the equation of 
the orbit will be of the form r = Ax + B; and writing x = — 1, we have V|= — A + B, 
viz. the equation is r — Vf = A (« +1); the value of A will be determined if we 
assume for the point 1 a determinate position on the line x = 1, say its ordinate is = y x ; 
for then if r. 2 — Vl + y x - we have r x — V| = 2A, and the equation is r — Vf = \ (r x — V|)(«+ 1). 
In particular if 2/i = 0, we have r x = l, and the equation of the orbit is r—= J (1—V|) («+1): 
this is the orbit, eccentricity (V| — 1), = -264, belonging to the point A as a point 
in planogram No. 1: for the value of y, being in that planogram originally assumed 
= 0, is of course = 0 when the orbit-pole comes to be the point A. 
96. We may conversely take the equation of the orbit, or say the value of 
A(=±e) in the equation r — V| = A (« +1), to be given; and then writing x=x t = l, 
we have 
i\ = + 2A, that is yd — (V| + 2A) 2 — 1 ; 
r x = 1 or y x = 0, A = |(1 — Vp = — -264, 
and as r x increases to r x = , or y x increases to + , A diminishes from — '264 to 0; viz., 
- 2 g 
for r x = , or y 1 = + , the orbit is a circle; as r x increases from Vor y r from + , 
A increases from 0 positively; for r 
, = V| + 2, =3 527, or ÿ. = ±V ' 1 ^ ± l 
, = ± 2-896, 
A becomes =1; that is, the orbit is a parabola; and for larger positive values of r 1} 
or positive or negative values of y lt the orbit is a hyperbola (concave) ; and ultimately 
for r a = oo or y x = ± oo, the orbit is the right line « + 1=0. Thus A extends from 
— ‘264 to 0, and thence from 0 positively to + co. 
97. In further illustration, suppose that the orbit-pole, instead of being at A, is 
a point in the immediate neighbourhood of A, say that the rectangular spherical 
coordinates, measured from A in the direction of the meridian and perpendicular 
thereto, are £ and y ; the colatitude and longitude of the orbit-pole being thus 
c = 60° + f, and 6 = 270° + -= y ; 
we have then, f, y being indefinitely small, 
«,/3,7 = "I > -¿¿V, 
/3', y' = y, - 2 + "Y £, 
ß", 1 = V 
1 v 
2 9 '

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