125. We may without difficulty attach to the several portions of the regulator,
the separators and the parabolic curve, to each portion its proper symbol L, P, H
and 123, 1.23, &c. as the case may be.
First, as to the regulator, it is obvious that this is separated by the points A
into the three portions L 213, L 321, L132, respectively. And inside the regulator,
adjacent to these, we have portions of the parabolic curve P 213, P 321, P 132,
Again, for one of the separators, say B 1V B'AB"B V (see here and in all that follows
the notation-diagram, No. 115); since the point 2 is here at infinity this must be at
every portion thereof either H132 or else H 312. The point B iy is H i32 and the
point B' is H 312; consequently, as the orbit-pole passes along the separator from
B iy to B', the symbol is at first H132 and at last R 312 ; the transition takes place
at the point of contact of the parabolic curve which is indifferently P132 or P 213.
(In further explanation of the transition, consider the orbit-pole as passing from
B iy to B, not on the separator, but indefinitely near it; it can only do so by
twice crossing the parabolic curve near the point of contact; the orbit is first H132,
or say H132, then P132, then an ellipse, which when the orbit-pole again arrives
at the parabolic curve changes into P 312; and it finally becomes H 312 or H 312.)
126. Again, since, on the two separators through B ly , in the portions adjacent to
P IV , the symbols are H132 and H i32, it is clear that in the adjacent portion of
the parabolic curve (terminated each way by a point of contact with these separators
respectively) the symbol must be P132; at the point of contact with the first-
mentioned separator B iy B'AB"B y , this becomes P132, =P213; and beyond the point
of contact it becomes P 213, continuing so until it arrives at the next point of contact
with the separator B'A'B": there is always in the symbol for the parabolic curve this
change of form as we pass through a point of contact with a separator; and there
is the same change, when travelling along the loop (that is without going inside the
regulator) we pass through a point A. The foregoing considerations fully explain how
the proper symbol is to be attached to each portion of the regulator, the separators,
and the parabolic curve: to avoid confusion, I have abstained from attaching them in
the Plate.
127. Imagining the symbols attached as above, it at once appears that, for the
two portions A'A and A A" of the regulator curve, we have T 13 = 0; while, for the
arc A"A' of the parabolic curve we have T 13 = co. Moreover, T l3 can only be infinite
on one of the separators through B'" and on the parabolic curve; and the symbols
show that the curve T 13 is made up, in a peculiar discontinuous manner, of portions
of these two separators and of the parabolic curve, as shown by the strongly marked
line of the figure ; we have thus the boundary of certain lightly shaded regions within
which (as well as within the shaded regions) T 13 is non-existent; excluding these, the
remaining regions (instead of a trilateral symmetry) have a symmetry about the axis
BB'"; there are still four regions which may be distinguished as the inner region, the
axial outer region, and the lateral outer regions; or, more shortly, as the inner, axial,
and lateral regions.