128. The times T 12 , T 23 , T 31 are calculated, Planogram 1, part 1, for the meridian
long. 90°, and ditto part 2 for the meridian long. 270°; and in Planogram 2 for the
meridian long. 180°. As regards these last values, it is easy to see that, in order to
pass to the meridian long. 0°, the numbers 2, 3 must be interchanged; that is,
long. 0°, the T 12 , T 13 , T 23 are respectively equal to the values, long. 180°, T 13 , T 12 , T 23 .
Moreover, the numbers 1, 2, 3 may be changed into 2, 3, 1, or into 3, 1, 2, provided
the longitude is increased by 120° and 240° in the two cases respectively; that is,
T 31 long, a = T 31 long, a
= T 12 long, (a + 120°)
= T 23 long, (a + 240°).
129. By means of the foregoing two relations, T 13 for the several longitudes
0°, 30°, 60°, ... 330°, is given as equal to the T 12 , T 23 , or T 31 , for long. 90°, 270°, or
180°, that is, to the T 12 , T 23 , or T 31) of Planogram No. 1, part 1 or 2, or of Planogram
No. 2. For example, T 31 long. 240° = T 12 long. 0° = T 13 long. 180°, that is, it is equal to
the T 31 of Planogram No. 2. We thus find
Long. T 13 is =
0° . . . T 12 of Plan. No. 2
30° T 23 of Plan. No. 1, pt. 2
60° . . . T 12
90° T 12 of Plan. No. 1, pt. 1
120° . . . T n
150° T 31
180° . . . T 31
210° T 23
240° . . . T u
270° T 12
300° . . . T n
330' T 31
and observing that for Planogram No. 1, part 1 or 2, we have T 12 = T 31 , it hence
appears as above, that the meridian 30°—210° is an axis of symmetry of the
spherogram. In what precedes it has been assumed that the colatitudes only extend
from 0° to 90°, but in the spherogram they extend for the meridians 30°, 150°, 270°,
to the colatitude 106° 6', the values for the colatitudes above 90° are those for the
omitted portions 90° to 73° 54' of the opposite meridian.
N.B. A meridian extends from the pole in one direction only, unless the contrary
is expressed or implied, as in speaking of a meridian 0°—180°.