Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 7)

corresponding points), then AC, A'G will meet the curve in the corresponding points 
B', B; and AB, A'B' will meet on the curve in a point C' corresponding to C, giving 
the inscribed quadrilateral (A, B, C, A', B', C"); the triangle ABC is therefore constructed. 
It is to be remarked that the equation fgh — ijk being satisfied, we may without 
any real loss of generality write f=j,g=k, h — i, and therefore a = /3 = r y; hence 
changing the constants we have the theorem : the inverse points (x, y, z), (ar 1 , y~ x , z~ r ) 
are corresponding points on the curve 
ax (y- + z 2 ) + by (z 2 + x 2 ) + cx (x 2 + y 2 ) + 2Ixyz = 0. 
[Yol. Y. pp. 57, 58.] 
Addition to the Note on the Problems in regard to a Conic defined by five Conditions of 
Since writing the Note in question, I have found that a solution of Problem 7 
has been given by M. De Jonquières in the paper “ Du Contact des Courbes Planes, 
&c.,” Nouvelles Annales de Mathématiques, vol. ni. (1864), pp. 218—222: viz. the number 
of conics which touch a curve of the order n in five distinct points is stated to be 
n (n — 1 )(n — 2) (n — 3) (n — 4) 
(n s + 15?i 4 — 55n 3 — 4>9o?i 2 + 1584?i + 15). 
There are given also the following results; the number of conics which pass 
through two given points and touch a curve of the order n in three distinct points is 
n (n — 1) (n — 2) 
(n 3 + 6n 2 — 19?i — 12), 
and the number of conics which pass through a given point and touch a curve of 
the order n in four distinct points is 
n S?L 3 )( W 4 + ion 3 - 37n 2 - 118n + 282). 
These formulae are given without demonstration, and with an expression of doubt as 
regards their exactness—(“ elles sont exactes, je crois ”); they apply, of course, to a 
curve of the order n without singularities; but assuming them to be accurate, the 
means exist for adapting them to the case of a curve with singularities. 
[There is also a paper on the same subject in the Annales for January, 1866 
(pp. 17—20), from the Editors Note to which we have introduced a correction (+ 15 
instead of — 35) in the formula given above.]

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