Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 7)

and substituting these values, the result is found to contain the terms 
coefficients which vanish ; viz. the coefficient of the first of these terms is 
+ 16875+24300+ 6561 + 7560 + 18792 - 74088, = 0 ; 
and the coefficient of the second of the two terms is 
- 16875 - 36450 - 19683 - 75168 + 148176, = 0. 
The remaining terms give 
+ 625 
- 5625 - 4050 - 1890 + 9261 
+ 1890 - 18522 
- 18792 + 74088 
+ 9261 
which is the required result ; a more convenient form of writing it is 
(55296 /, -768 I 2 , — 5544 //, 625 I s + 9261 / 2 $i/ a) 3 = 0. 
IH 4 
= + 625 a 3 ! 3 
= - 2304 alVP 
= - 16632 a-HIJ 
= + 55296 H 3 J 
= + 9261 a 3 / 2 
= 0, 
a 3 
Remark. If I and / denote as above the two invariants of the form U ={a, b, c, d, e\x, l) 4 , 
and if we now use H to denote the Hessian of the form, viz. 
H = (ac- b\ ^(ad — bc), % (ae + 2bd — 3c 2 ), |(be — cd), ce — d 2 fijx, l) 4 , 
then it appears by the theory of invariants that the equation of the twelfth order 
(55296 /, — 768/ 2 , - 5544//, 625 I 3 + 9261 / 2 #i/, U) 3 = 0, 
is such that each of its roots forms with some three of the roots of the equation 
U = 0 a harmonic progression ; viz. if the three roots are ¡3, <y, 8, then we have 
2 1 1 2/38- (B + 8)y 
~ = Q + s > or x = —^--4— 0 - ; 
x — y x — /3 x — o /3+6 — 2y 
so that the roots of the equation of the twelfth order are the twelve values of the 
last-mentioned function of three roots. 
[Yol. v. pp. 65, 66.] 
On the Problems in regard to a Conic defined by five Conditions of Intersection. 
There has been recently published in the Comptes Rendns (t. lxii. pp. 177—183, 
January, 1866) an extract of a memoir “ Additions to the Theory of Conics,” by 
M. H. G. Zeuthen (of Copenhagen). The extract gives the solutions of fourteen pro 
blems, with a brief indication of the method employed, for obtaining them. Of these 
problems, four relate to intersections at given points, the remaining ten are included

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