I have obtained for Prob. 2 a solution which I believe to be accurate; viz. the
number of the conics (4, 1), (that is, the conics which have with a given curve a
5-pointic intersection and also a 2-pointic intersection, or ordinary contact), is
= 10 v? +10 nm — 20 m 2 — 130 n + 140 m 4-10 k (m + n — 9) — 4 [(?i — 3) k + (m — 3) t]
where i (the number of inflexions) is = 3n — 3m + k, but I prefer to retain the fore
going form, without effecting the substitution.
[Vol. v. pp. 88, 89.]
1890. (Proposed by Professor Cayley.)—Find the equation of a conic passing
through three given points and having double contact with a given conic.
Solution by the Proposer.
Let the given points be the angles of the triangle (x = 0, y — 0, z = 0), and let
the equation of the given conic be U = (a, b, c, f, g, li§x, y, z) 2 = 0; then the equation
of the required conic is
TJ— (x \fa + y \/5 + z \fc) 2 = 0,
for this is a conic having double contact with the conic U= 0, and, since the terms
in (¿c 2 , y 2 , z 2 ) each vanish, it is also a conic passing through the given points.
It is clear that there are four conics satisfying the conditions of the Problem,
viz. putting for shortness
P =x*Ja + y*Jb+z \/c, P 1 = — x*Ja + y*Jb+z \/c,
P 2 = x \ja — y \/b + z Vc, P 3 = x *Ja + y \Jb — z Vc,
the four conics are
U-P 2 = 0, U-P 2 = 0, U-P.? = 0, U- P : r = 0.
It may be remarked that the conics P, P l have a fourth intersection lying on the
line y\]b + z\jc = 0, and the conics P 2 , P 3 a fourth intersection lying on the line
y\jb — z\!c\ which two lines are harmonics in regard to the lines y = 0, z — 0.
Similarly the conics P 1; P 2 have a fourth intersection on the line x \!a + z \]c — 0,
and the conics P, P 3 a fourth intersection on the line x ^Ja — z \Jc = 0; which two lines
are harmonics in regard to the lines z = 0, x = D. And the conics P 2 , P 3 have a fourth
intersection on the line x \/ft + y \/b = 0, and the conics P, P 2 a fourth intersection on
the line x^a — y^/b = 0; which two lines are harmonics in regard to the lines
x — 0, y = 0. It may further be remarked that the equations of any two of the four
conics may be taken to be
ayz + fizx + yxy = 0, oiyz + fi'zx + yxy = 0.