Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 7)

exterior to each other. The foregoing equations signify that 90° — a, 90° — /3 are the 
inclinations to the line of centres of the inverse and the direct common tangents 
respectively, and that m is the length of the inverse common tangent. And the 
theorem is, that considering two circles as above, and taking M a variable point in 
the line of centres, if r, s denote the tangential distances of M from the two circles 
respectively, and if m be the length of the inverse common tangent of the two 
circles, then the angles 9, <j) determined by the equations 
m sin 0 = r + s, m sin (¡3 = r — s, 
are connected by the relation 
cos ¡3 = cos 6 cos </> + sin 6 sin </> cos a, 
(a, /3) being constant angles, determined as above. 
It is to be remarked that, assuming 
sin a _ V{4c 2 — (a + 5) 2 } 
sin /3 V {4c 2 - (a — 6j 2 } ’ 
that is, k = inverse common tangent 4- direct common tangent, then we have 
cos a = V(1 — k 2 sin 2 /3) = A/3, 
or the equation in 9, cf) becomes 
cos /3 = cos 0 cos <f> + sin 0 sin (f) A/3, 
which is the algebraical equation connecting the amplitudes of the elliptic functions 
in the relation F (0) + F (d>) = F (¡3). 
8. It is very noticeable that the above figure leads to another relation in elliptic 
functions, viz. it is the very figure employed for that purpose by Jacobi; in fact, 
considering therein YM as a variable tangent meeting the circle A in the two points 
X and X', then if 2\{r, 2-»// denote the angles GAX, GAX' respectively, it is easy to 
see geometrically that we have dyjr : dyjr' = YX : YX'; where 
(YX) 2 = (BX f — b 2 , — 4c 2 + a 2 + 4ac cos 2yjr — b 2 , = (2c + a) 2 — b 2 — 8ac sin 2 yjr, 
and similarly (YX') 2 = (2c + a) 2 — b 2 — 8ac sin' 2 \Jr', that is, writing 
differential equation is 
dijr d-yjr' _ 
V(1 — l 2 sin 2 l/r) \/(l — l 2 sin 2 -yfr') 
8 ac 
(2c + a) 2 — b 2 ’ 

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