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Solution by the Proposer.
1. Consider four given points, and in connection therewith a given line IJ; the
locus of the poles of IJ, in regard to the several conics which pass through the four
points, is a conic, the “ conic of poles.” Consider a particular conic ®, through the
four points; the pole of IJ in regard to the conic 0 is a point C on the conic of
poles, and the tangents from G to the conic © meet the conic of poles in two points
H, K; the chord of intersection HK passes through the point II which is the pole
of IJ in regard to the conic of poles. Moreover, the polars of a point C', in regard
to the several conics through the four points, meet in a point IP, the “ common
pole ” of G', and in particular if G' be the point G on the conic of poles, then the
common pole is a point il on the line IJ; this being so, the line HK passes (as
already mentioned) through II, and the lines HK and IIil are harmonics in regard
to the conic of poles.
2. Assuming the foregoing properties, then, given the four points, the line IJ,
the conic of poles, and the point G on this conic; we may construct II the pole of
IJ in regard to the conic of poles; and also il the common pole of G; the line HK
is then given as a line passing through II, and harmonic to IIil in regard to the
conic of poles; this line meets the conic of poles in the points H, K; and then
GH, GK are the tangents from G to a conic © which passes through the four points.
3. In particular if IJ be the line infinity, then the conic of poles is the conic
of centres; II is the centre of this conic; il is as before the common pole of G;
HK is given as the diameter of the conic of centres, conjugate to nil; H, K are
the extremities of this diameter; and then GH, GK are the asymptotes of the conic
through the four points, which has the point G for its centre; and the asymptotes
are therefore constructed as required. If the points H, K are imaginary, the asymptotes
will be also imaginary; the conic © is in this case an ellipse.
4. It is hardly necessary to remark, in regard to the construction of the point il,
that we have among the conics through the four points, three pairs of lines meeting
in points P, Q, R respectively (it is clear that the conic of poles passes through these
three points); the harmonics of CP, CQ, GR in regard to the three pairs of lines
respectively meet in a point, which is the required point il. In the particular case
where the point G is on the conic of centres, the three harmonics are parallel; it
is therefore sufficient to construct one of them; and the line HK is then the diameter
of the conic of poles, conjugate to the harmonic so constructed.
5. It remains to prove the properties assumed in (1). We may take z = 0 for
the equation of the line IJ, x — 0, y = 0 for the equations of the tangents to the
conic © at its intersections with the line IJ, so that we have (x = 0, y = 0) for the
coordinates of the point G; the equation of the conic © will be of the form z 2 — xy = 0,
and the four points may then be taken to be the intersections of the conic z 2 — xy=- 0,
and the arbitrary conic
(a, b, c, f, g, hjx, y, z) 2 = 0.
The equation of the conic of centres is found to be
x (ax + liy + gz) — y (hx + by + fz) — 0, or ax 2 — by 2 + gzx — hxy = 0 ;