Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 8)

Bat in the remarkable case where the curve and its evolute have a (1, 2) corre 
spondence, then I correct the formulae by adding — © to the expressions for l, k 
respectively. We have for the evolute of the parallel curve 
m'" = 2m", 
n" = 2 n", 
l” — 21" + (2m + 2 n — 4f) — ©, 
k= 2k" + (2m + 2n - 4f) - ©, 
viz. assuming © = 2m + 2n — 4/, this means that the evolute is the evolute of the 
original curve taken twice. 
A very interesting case is when m=n=f: observe that neither m—/ nor n—f 
can be negative, so that the assumed relation m + №- 2/=0 would imply these two 
relations. We have here for the parallel curve m —2m, n = 2n, t =2i, k =2k; the 
parallel curve in fact breaking up into two curves such as the given curve. And in 
this case the formulas for the evolute assume the very simple form m" = k, n" =f 
L "=f, K " = — 2f+ 3k. 
Whatever the original curve may be, we have for the parallel curve m' = n' =f, 
so that the formulae for the evolute of the parallel curve are of the foregoing form 
m"' = k, n"=f', t" =/'-©, k" = - 2f + 3k - ©, which agree with the above values of 
m”, n", t", k". In the particular case m — n—f, we have © = 0, so that the evolute- 
formulae, if originally written down without the terms in ©, would still be m' =2m , 
n'" = 2 n", i" = 2 l", k" = 2k" ; viz. the evolute is here the original evolute taken twice ; 
as already seen, the parallel curve consisted of two curves such as the original curve, 
and each of these has for its evolute the evolute of the original curve.

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