Bat in the remarkable case where the curve and its evolute have a (1, 2) corre
spondence, then I correct the formulae by adding — © to the expressions for l, k
respectively. We have for the evolute of the parallel curve
m'" = 2m",
n" = 2 n",
l” — 21" + (2m + 2 n — 4f) — ©,
k= 2k" + (2m + 2n - 4f) - ©,
viz. assuming © = 2m + 2n — 4/, this means that the evolute is the evolute of the
original curve taken twice.
A very interesting case is when m=n=f: observe that neither m—/ nor n—f
can be negative, so that the assumed relation m + №- 2/=0 would imply these two
relations. We have here for the parallel curve m —2m, n = 2n, t =2i, k =2k; the
parallel curve in fact breaking up into two curves such as the given curve. And in
this case the formulas for the evolute assume the very simple form m" = k, n" =f
L "=f, K " = — 2f+ 3k.
Whatever the original curve may be, we have for the parallel curve m' = n' =f,
so that the formulae for the evolute of the parallel curve are of the foregoing form
m"' = k, n"=f', t" =/'-©, k" = - 2f + 3k - ©, which agree with the above values of
m”, n", t", k". In the particular case m — n—f, we have © = 0, so that the evolute-
formulae, if originally written down without the terms in ©, would still be m' =2m ,
n'" = 2 n", i" = 2 l", k" = 2k" ; viz. the evolute is here the original evolute taken twice ;
as already seen, the parallel curve consisted of two curves such as the original curve,
and each of these has for its evolute the evolute of the original curve.