thirdly, the points H each counting as 4 cusps. For first consider a generating line
meeting the curve x in B and the curve x in A ; if we imagine on the curve x a
point Q which approaches and ultimately coincides with B, the generating line through
Q meets the torse in the neighbourhood of its cuspidal edge in two points which
come ultimately to coincide with the point A, and we thus see that A is a stationary
point on the x (r — 2) curve.
54. Secondly, observing that the line v is a cuspidal line on the torse, and con
sidering in like manner a generating line of the x cone, which approaches and comes
ultimately to coincide with one of the x— 2r + 9 points, we see that this is a
stationary point on the x (r — 2) curve. And thirdly, any line through a point H meets
the torse in this point counting 4 times, and in r — 4 other points. Hence considering
the generating line of the x cone, which travelling along any one of the four partial
branches of the x curve comes ultimately to coincide with H, 2 of the r — 2 points
on such generating line come to coincide at the point H; and we have thus the
point H as a singular point on the x (r — 2) curve; viz. it reckons as a stationary
point once in respect of each of the four partial branches of the curve x (it must
be assumed that this is so, but a further proof is required), that is as 4 cusps on
the x {r — 2) curve.
55. By what precedes we have
x (r — 2) (r - 3) = n(x— 2r -1- 8)
+ 2(2k+ o)(x- 2r + 10)}
-F 3 {{mx — a— '3ft — 2y — Sv — 4« — 8H) + v(x — 2r + 9) + 4/7},
which is the true theoretical form in which the equation tor x (r — 2) (r — 3) was
obtained by Cremona.