Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 8)

In fact this equation written with an indeterminate coefficient X, say, for shortness, 
67 [(12.45) (23.56)] = X12. [(23.56) (34.67)] = 0, 
is the general equation of the conic through the 4 points 12.67, 34.67, 12.45, and 
23.56; and by making the conic pass through 1 of the remaining 4 of the 8 points, 
I succeeded in finding the value \ = ^—so that the conic in question passes 
through 5 of the 8 points, and is therefore by the theorem the conic through the 
8 points. But as thus written down the equation contains the extraneous factor 2—6, 
as appears at once by the observation that the left-hand side on writing therein 
6 = 2 (a 6 = a2) becomes identically = 0 ; the value in fact is 
- (2 - 8) [x - (2 + 7) y + 27*] (23 - 34 + 45 - 52) [x - (1 + 2) y + 12*] 
+ (2 - 8) [x - (1 + 2) y + 12*] (23 - 34 + 45 - 52) [x - (2 + 7) y + 27*] 
which is = 0; there is consequently the factor 2—6 to be rejected, and throwing this out 
the equation assumes a symmetrical form in regard to the 8 symbols 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 
The coefficient of a? is very easily found to be 
= (2 - 6) (12 - 23 + 34 - 45 + 56 - 67 + 78 - 81), 
and similarly that of * 2 to be 
= (2 - 6) [123456 - 234567 + 345678 - 456781 + 567812 - 678123 + 781234 - 812345} : 
those of the other terms are somewhat more difficult to calculate; but the final result, 
throwing out the factor (2 — 6), and introducing an abbreviated notation 
212 = (12 — 23 + 34 — 45 + 56 - 67 + 78 - 81), 
and the like in other cases, is found to be 
« 2 . 212 
+ y 2 . [212 (4 + 5) (6 + 7) — \ 21256] 
+ * 2 . 2123456 
- yz . 216 (234 + 235 + 245 + 345) 
+ *«.[21234 +J 21256] 
— xy . 212(4 + 5 + 6 + 7) =0, 
where it is to be observed that 21256 consists of 4 distinct terms each twice repeated: 
^ 21256 consists therefore of these 4 terms; and in the coefficient of y 2 they destroy 
4 of the 32 terms of 212 (4 + 5) (6 + 7) so that the coefficient of y 2 contains 
32 — 4, =28 terms. In the coefficient of zx there is no destruction, and this contains 
therefore 12 + 4, =16 terms.

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