Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 8)

49. Investigation. The projections of the six lines are tangents to a conic: the 
condition for this is (P, Q, P) 2 = 0, where the left-hand side represents the determinant 
obtained by writing successively (P 0 , Q a , R a ), &c. for (P, Q, R). The equation may be 
a/3e . ySe . ay£. 8l3Ç— a(3Ç. yS£\ aye . S/3y = 0, 
a/3e — 
Qa, Ra 
Qp, Pp 
Qe, R e 
and substituting for P a> &c., their values, we have a(3e = w. p 2 a/3e; whence the fore 
going result. 
50. Singularities. The equation shows that 
(2) The line a is a 2-tuple line: in fact, for each point of the line we have 
p 2 a/3e = 0, p 2 ay£ = 0, p 2 a/3£ = 0, paye = 0. 
(4) The line (a, ¡3, e, £) is a simple line: in fact, for each point of the line 
we have pa/3e = 0, pa(3£ = 0. 
(9) The quadriquadric a/3e. yS£= 0 is a simple curve on the surface: in fact, 
for each point of the curve we have pa/3e = 0, p 2 y8£=0. 
It may be remarked that the surface meets the hyperboloid p 2 a/3e in 
lines (a, /3, e) each twice, 6 
», (a, /3, e, y) „ once, 2 
» (®> S, €> „ „ 2 
» ( a > ft e, f) „ „ 2 
curve a/3e.yS£ „ „ 4 
2 x 8 = 16 
51. It might be thought that there should be on the surface some curve a/3ySe£, 
such as the cubic abcdef on the surface abcdef; but I cannot find that this is so. 
The equation of the surface is satisfied if we have simultaneously (X being arbitrary) 
p 2 a/3e . pay £ — Xpa/3£. paye = 0, 
XpySe .p 2 8/3% — p 2 . p 2 8/3e = 0; 
which equations represent quartic surfaces, the first of them having a. for a double 
line, and passing through the lines ¡3, y, e, £ (13 + 4x5 = 33 conditions, so that the 
equation of such a surface contains only an arbitrary parameter X); and the second 
having 8 for a double line, and passing through the lines /3, 7, € , £ But I see 
no condition by which X can be determined so as to have the same value in the 
two equations respectively. Of course, leaving it arbitrary, the two quartic surfaces 
intersect in the lines /3, 7, e, £ and in a curve of the order 12 depending on the 
arbitrary value of X, which curve lies on the surface a/3y8e£. 
{Surface ajSySef.} 

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