Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 8)

or, as the second equation may also be written, 
(QoS - QS 0 ) (P xy R zw - P zw R xy ) — (P 0 R — PR 0 ) (QxySw, - Q Z wS xy ) = 0 ; 
viz. the second equation represents a cubic surface having upon it the lines (P = 0, R = 0) 
and (Q = 0, S = 0) : it therefore intersects the quadric PS — QR = 0 in these two lines, 
and besides in an excuboquartic curve, which is the required locus. 
55. Representing the determinants 
P , Q , 
R > 
by (a', V, 
c', {', g', W), viz. a' = QR n - Q a R,... 
Po , 
Qo > 
K , 
f = PS 0 - P 0 S,...; 
S X y 
by (a, b, 
c, f, g, h ), viz. a = Q X yR zw QzwPxyy • • • > 
PZW> QzW) 
Pzw y 
S Z w 
(a', ...) are 
functions, (a,.. 
) quadric functions, of the coordinates; the 
equation of the cubic surface is gb' — bg' = 0, viz. the excuboquartic arising from the 
generatrices is the partial intersection of the quadric PS — QR = 0 and the cubic 
gb' — g'b = 0 ; the two surfaces besides intersecting in the lines (P = 0, R = 0) and 
(Q = 0, S = 0). 
It appears, in the same manner, that the excuboquartic arising from the directrices 
is the partial intersection of the quadric PS — QR = 0 and the cubic he' — ch' = 0 ; the 
two surfaces besides intersecting in the lines (P = 0, Q = 0) and (R = 0, S = 0). 
56. But the elimination may be performed in a different manner, as follows: 
from the first two equations in 0, multiplying by P zw , - P xy and adding, and so with 
Qziv, - Qxy, &C., we obtain 
(Qo-0S o )( 
(Qo-es 0 )( 
(Qo-OS 0 )( 
(Qo-OS 0 )( 
-0b) - (P 0 — 0R O ) (— c + 0f ) = 0, 
c + f?a) - (P 0 - 0R O ) ( %) = 0, 
b ) - (P o -0Ro)( a + 0h) = 0, 
{-eh) - (P o -0Ro)( g )=o. 
We then have 
0 = 
— G+0Î c + 0a 
or, what is the same thing, 
a + 0b f - 0h ’ 
h0 2 + (a - f ) 0 4- c = 0. 
Using this equation, written in the form (a + dh) 0 = — c + 0f, to transform the first or 
third of the four equations in 0, we obtain 
— aP 0 — hQ 0 — cP 0 + 0 (— hP 0 • +fP 0 +b£ 0 ) = 0; 
and using the same equation, written in the form (f— #h) 0 = c + #a, to transform the 
second or fourth equation, we obtain 
gPo — fQo + c$ 0 + 0 ( 
hQ 0 - gPo + a$ 0 ) = 0 ;

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