Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 8)

where the last term aDtc arises from the tangents cBa and eFa, each coinciding with 
a cuspidal tangent, as shown in the figure. 
Fig. 4. 
The second-mode reduction is 
= aD . A (x — 2) (x — 3), 
so that the two reductions together are 
= aD {(A - 2) A + (A - 4) 28 + (A - 3) 3« + * + A (x - 2) (x - 3)}, 
viz. this is 
= aD {(A — 2) A -f- (A — 4) (23 + 3k) + 4k 4- A (cc — 2) (x — 3)} ; 
or substituting for 23 + 3k and k the values x 2 — x — X and — 3A + £ respectively, and 
reducing, it is 
aD {A (2x 2 — 6x — 4) — 4x 2 + 4x + }. 
Hence subtracting from % + %', written in the form 
aD {A 2 (2x 2 — Qx + 4) + A (— 4x 2 + 12x — 8)}, 
the result is 
= aD (A 2 {2x 2 — Qx + 4) + A (— 6x 2 + 18ic — 4) + 4a; 2 — 4x — 4f}. 
On account of the symmetry we must divide by 2. 
Case 43. a — c = e = x, B — D — F =y. 
Suppose for a moment that the angle a is a free point; the locus of a is a curve 
the order of which is obtained from Case 28, by writing c = e = x, B — D = F — y \ the 
locus in question meets a curve order a in {2F(F— 1) (F— 2) + y) x (x — l)a points; 
wherefore the order of the locus is 
= {2F(F— 1) (F— 2) + y\ x (x — 1), 
and this locus meets the curve a = c = e = x in a number of points 
= {2F(F — l)(Y—2) + y}x 2 {x— 1), 
viz. this is the number of positions of the angle a; but several of these belong to 
special forms of the triangle aBcDeF, giving heterotypic solutions, which are to be 
rejected ; the required number is thus 
{2F(F— 1) (F —2) + y) x 2 {x — — Red. 

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