Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 8)

40. The reduction depends on the following auxiliary formulae : 
a(a)+h(h)+g(g)= V8V-X8X, 
h „ + b „ +f „ = - Y8X, 
9 „ + />» +c „ = — Z8X, 
a(h) +h(b) + g (/) = - X8Y, 
h „ +b „ +f „ = V8V-Y8Y, 
9 „ +/„ + c ,, = -Z8Y, 
a (y)+Hf)+g(c)= —X8Z, 
h „ +b „ +/„= — Y8Z, 
9 +f » +c „ = V8V— Z8Z, 
where, for shortness, I have written 8X, 8Y, 8Z to stand for aX +kY+gZ, hX + hY+fZ, 
gX+fY+cZ respectively, and V8V for X8X + Y8Y+Z8Z, (= a,.JX, Y, Zf. 
From these we immediately have 
(a)8X + (h) 8Y + (g) 8Z = V(X8V- V8X), 
(h) 8X + (6) 8Y + (f)8Z=V{Y8V-V8Y), 
(g)8X + (f)8Y+{c) 8Z=V(Z8V -V8Z). 
Hence, in the coefficient of d x p, the first line is 
= 2V(— Y8Z + Z8Y), 
and the second line is 
= y{VZ(Y8V- V8Y) - VY(Z8V-V8Z)J, = 2V(Y8Z - Z8Y) ; 
so that the sum, or whole coefficient of d x p, is = 0. Similarly, the coefficients of d y p 
and d z p are each = 0. 
41. We have thus arrived at the equation 
((-d.)j • • dy, d z )-p=0 
as the condition to be satisfied by the normal distance p in order that the given 
surface and the vicinal surface may belong to an orthogonal system, viz. this is a 
partial differential equation of the second order, its coefficients being given functions 
of X, Y, Z, a, b, c, f, g, h, the first and second differential coefficients of r (where 
r = r(x, y, z) is the equation of the given surface). 
The equation, it is clear, may also be written in the two forms 
(A,...\Zd v — Yd z , Xd z - Zd x , Yd x — Xd y ) 2 p — 0, 
P Q , P 
aP + hQ + gR, hP + bQ + fR, gP + fQ+ cR 
X Y , Z 
p= 0, 
if, for shortness, P, Q, R are written to denote Zd y —Yd z , Xd z —Zd x , Yd x —Xd y 
respectively, it being understood that in each of these forms the d x , d y> d z operate on 
the p only.

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