Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 8)

The Nodal Curve. Art. Nos. 29 to 60. 
29. If two different points on the ellipsoid correspond to the same point on the 
centro-surface, this will be a point on the Nodal Curve: the conditions for this if 
(P v)> (p> Vi) are the parameters for the two points on tho ellipsoid, are obviously 
(a 2 4- |) 3 (a 2 + rj) = (a 2 4- p) 3 (a 2 4- Vi), 
(b 2 + p) 3 (b 2 +v) = + P ) 3 (b 2 + Vi)> 
(c 2 4- |) 3 (c 2 + v) = (c 2 + p) 3 (c 2 + 77^; 
these equations in effect determine 77 as a function of p so that the equations 
— ¡3ya 2 x 2 = (a 2 4- p) 3 (a 2 + 77), &c. 
then determine the coordinates (x, y, z) of a point on the Nodal Curve in terms of 
the single parameter p 
The relation between £ and 77 would be obtained by eliminating p, 77 : from the 
foregoing equation: but it is easier to eliminate 77 and thus obtaining between 
P and £ a relation in virtue of which ¿5 may be regarded as a known function of 
£; 77 and 77j can then be expressed in terms of p ¿5, so that each of these quantities 
will be in effect a known function of £( x ). 
30. The relation between p p is in the first instance given in the form 
a 2 [(a 2 4-1) 3 — (a 2 4- p) 3 ], (a 2 + £) 3 , 
b 2 [(6 2 + P 3 - (b 2 + p) 3 ], (V + Z) 3 , 
c 2 [(c 2 4- f) 3 - (c 2 4-10 3 ], (c 2 4- p) 3 , 
(a 2 + P) 3 
(6 2 + P) 3 
= 0. 
(c 2 4- P) 3 
Throwing out a factor (f—p) 2 , this becomes 
2 [a? [3a 4 4- 3a 2 (f 4- p) 4- p 4- f p 4- p 2 } 
X(6»-C ! ).(l, 1, !]№ + f)(# + (,), (i> s + f,)(c 5 + ?)>] = <>, 
where the left-hand side is a symmetrical function of p p vanishing for f = p, and 
therefore divisible by (£ — p) 2 ; it is also divisible by A, = (Z) 2 — c 2 ) (c 2 — a 2 ) (a 2 — b 2 ) (= a/3y). 
To work this out, write f 4- P = y>, £p = the equation may be written 
2 {(6 2 — c 2 ) a 2 
3 a 4 
4- 3a 2 /) 
4-_/) 2 - # 
3 Z> 4 c 4 
4- 36 2 c 2 (6 2 4- c 2 )/) 
4- (Z> 4 4- c 4 ) (p 2 - 5») 
4- 6 2 c 2 (/) 2 4- 8</) 
4- 3 (b 2 + c 2 )pq 
4- 3 q 2 
where the left-hand side divides by A (p 2 — 4q). 
1 = 0, 
1 This was my first method of solution; and I have thought the results quite interesting enough to 
retain them—but it will appear in the sequel that I have succeeded in expressing £, 17, £ 1} -q x , in terms of a 
single parameter <r.

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