Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 8)

the variable parameter be £, then this is a curve on the 12-thic surface 12=0 obtained 
by the elimination of f from the equations V—0, S|F=0; viz. we have i2 = S 3 — T 2 = 0, 
where S = (a, b, c)(m, l) 2 , T=(a,', b', c', d') (m, l) s , and the curve in question is the 
curve 8= 0, T = 0, which is the cuspidal curve on the surface 12 = 0; the elimination 
of m from the two equations 8 = 0, T = 0 gives as above the equation of the centro- 
81. The surface il=8 3 — T 2 =0 obtained as above by the elimination of £ from the 
equations V = 0, 3$ V = 0, (or, what is the same thing, by equating to zero the discriminant 
of F in regard to f,) may be termed the sociate-surface: we have then the quartie 
and sextic surfaces 8 = 0, T = 0 intersecting in the before-mentioned curve, which may 
be called the sociate-edge ; and the locus of these sociate-edges is the centro-surface. 
82. We may if we please, changing the parameter in one of the functions, consider 
the two series of surfaces S = 0, T = 0 depending on the parameters m, m' respectively ; 
a surface of the first series will correspond to one of the second series when the 
parameters are equal, m = in', and we have then a sociate-edge. Taking a point 
anywhere in space, through this point there pass two surfaces S = 0, and three surfaces 
T= 0 ; but there is no pair of corresponding surfaces, or sociate-edge. If however the 
point be taken anywhere on the centro-surface, then there is a pair of corresponding- 
surfaces 8 = 0, T = 0; that is, through each point of the centro-surface there passes a 
single sociate-edge; and if the point be taken anywhere on the nodal curve of the 
centro-surface, then there are two pairs of corresponding surfaces ; that is, through each 
point of the nodal curve there are two sociate-edges: this explains the method above 
made use of for finding the equations of the nodal curve, by giving to the equations 
S= 0, T = 0, considered as equations in m, two equal roots. 
83. The d posteriori verification that the surfaces V = 0, V' = 0, V" = 0 intersect in 
a point of the centro-surface, is not without interest; the parameters g 1} rj 1 of the point 
of intersection are found to be | x = £, r] 1 = m — a 2 — b 2 — c 2 — 3£; whence in the equation 
V = 0, writing — /3y<Fc 2 = (a 2 4- (a 2 + 7] x ) and m=a 2 + b‘ 2 + c 2 + S^ 1 + tj 1 , the resulting 
equation considered as an equation in £ should have three roots f = £: the fourth 
root is at once seen to be £ = ?7i, and we ought therefore to have identically 
a (a 2 + gi) 3 (a 2 + Vi) 
o 2 + £ 
— &C. + 0-8y (f — 3£ x — 7]y — ci- — If- — c-) 
= (i; ~ Zi) 3 (Z - Vi) . 
(a 2 + £) (F + g) (c* + £) 5 
and by decomposing the right-hand side into its component fractions this is at once 
seen to be true. 
Third generation of the Centro-surface. Art. Nos. 84 and 85. 
84. Instead of the foregoing equation V = 0, consider the equation 

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