Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 8)

[From the Mathematische Annalen, vol. in. (1871), pp. 469—474.] 
I consider the question of the transformation (Abbildung auf einer Ebene) of 
unicursal surfaces. Taking (x, y, z, w) for the coordinates of a point on the surface, 
(x', y', z') for those of the corresponding point on the plane; then if X', Y\ Z', W' 
denote each of them a function {oc, y', z) n ’, the equations of transformation are 
x : y : z : w = X' : Y' : Z' : W: 
and assuming that each of the curves 
X'=0, Y' = 0, Z' = 0, W' — 0 
(or, what is the same thing, the general curve 
aX' + bY' + cZ' + dW' = 0) 
passes once through each of ^ points, twice through each of a 2 points, ... , r times 
through each of a r points (for convenience I write a r instead of a/); and writing also 
n=n' 2 — tr 2 a r , 
0 = \n (n' + 3) — 3 — © — (r + 1) a,., 
(where © is = 0 or positive except in the case of special relations between the positions 
of the fixed points a l , a 2 , ...,a r ), which equations give 
— n = Sn — 6 — 2© — 2ra r ; 
then the order of the surface is = n, and the order of the nodal curve is b=^(n—2)(n—3)+©. 
I assume that the nodal curve has h apparent double points and t actual triple points, 
but no stationary points, so that q being the class, we have q = b 2 — b — 2h—6t’, and 
I endeavour to find these numbers q, t, h.

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