Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 8)

where the symbol stands for the determinant 
But as is well known this equation may be written 
(126)(346)(145)(235) - (146)(236)(125)(345) = 0, 
where (126) etc. denote the determinants 
Pi> Qi> Pi etc., 
P„, Q 2 , r 2 
p„ Qz> R 3 
or, what is the same thing, they denote the functions above represented by the like 
symbols (126) = (ayg 2 h 6 ) of + etc. The equation (*) just obtained is Hierholzer’s equation 
for the surface of the eighth order, the locus of the vertex of a quadricone which 
touches six given lines. 
I remark that in my “ Memoir on Quartic Surfaces,” Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. vol. ill. 
(1870), [445], pp. 19—69, I obtained the equation of the surface under the foregoing 
form [123456] = 0 or say [(P, Q, P) 2 ] = 0, noticing that there was a factor w 4 , so that 
the order of the surface is = 8; and further that the equation might be written 
w 8 exp. ^ [x (gd c - hd b ) + y (hd a - fd c ) + 0 (fd h - gd a )} [(a, b, c) 2 ] = 0, 
where exp. © (read exponential) denotes e®, and [(a, b, c) 2 ] denotes 
by", Cy v byCy, Cy ay, ayby 
a 2 2 ,.. 
Also that the equation contains the four terms 
¿r 8 [(a, - h, gf] + y 8 [(h, b, -/) 2 ] + ¿r 8 [(- g, f c) 2 ] + w 8 [(a, b, c) 2 ] = 0. 
Cambridge, 12 September, 1871. 

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