years he wrote a number of papers dealing with the theta-functions as on an inde
pendent basis and not as a detail in elliptic functions. Though the investigations are
concerned with p-tuple functions, yet, partly for simplicity, and partly in order to secure
the greater detailed development of the theory, the papers deal chiefly with the cases
p = l, p = 2.
Previous to Cayley’s investigations, the most valuable algebraical results in this sub
ject were those of Rosenhain* and Gopel*}* which had connected the double theta-functions
with the theory of the Abelian functions of two variables, and those of Weierstrass, deve
loped by Königsberger| to give the “addition-theorem.” Proceeding in his “Memoir on
the single and double theta-functions ”§ more by Gopel’s method than by Rosenhain’s,
Cayley resumes the whole theory. He pays special attention to the relations among
the squares of the functions and to the derivation of the biquadratic relation among
four of the functions, which is the same as the equation of Kummer’s sixteen-nodal
quartic surface. To this relation and to the geometry of this associated surface he
frequently recurred, both specifically in isolated papers and generally in researches upon
quartic surfaces.
As connected, in part, with elliptic functions, his investigations on the porism of
the in- and circumscribed polygon should be mentioned. The porismatic property of two
conics, viz. that they may be related to each other so that one polygon (and, if one
polygon, then an infinite number of polygons) can be inscribed in one and circumscribed
about the other, is due to the geometrician Poncelet. The special case when the conics
are two circles had been discussed analytically by Jacobi ||, using elliptic functions for
the purpose. Cayley undertook, first in 1853, the analytical discussion of the most
general case of two conics, also using elliptic functions; and he obtained IT the relations,
necessary for the porism, for the several polygons as far as the enneagon. And it may
be remarked, as a characteristic instance of Cayley’s habit of proceeding to general
eases, that he did not leave the matter at this stage. In a memoir** “On the
problem of the in- and circumscribed triangle” he raises the question as to the number
■of polygons which are such that their angular points lie on a given curve or given
curves of any order and their sides touch another given curve or given curves of any
class. Using the theory of correspondence, he solves the question completely in the
case of a triangle—taking account of the fifty-two cases that arise through the
possibility of two curves, or more than two curves, being one and the same curve.
From time to time Cayley turned his attention to questions in theoretical dynamics,
choosing them as subjects of his lectures during his earlier years as professor. Among
them may be mentioned his investigations on attractions, specially those on the attraction
of ellipsoids, to which he devotes five memoirsj*j*, discussing the methods of Legendre, * * * § **
* Mem. des Sav. Etr. vol. xi. (1851), pp. 361—468; the paper is dated 1846.
+ Crelle, vol. xxxv. (1847), pp. 277—312.
X Crelle, vol. lxiv. (1865), pp. 17—42.
§ Phil. Trans. 1880, pp. 897—1002.
|| Ges. Werke, vol. i. pp. 277—293 ; this paper was published first in Crelle, vol. in. (1828), pp. 376—389.
1 In a set of five papers, C. M. P. vol. ii. Nos. 113, 115, 116, 128 ; ibid., vol. iv. No. 267.
** C. M. P. vol. viii. No. 514; Phil. Trans. (1871), pp. 369—412.
ft C. M. P. vol. i. Nos. 75, 89; vol. n. Nos. 164, 173, 193.